147 Sacred Goddess Rituals to Overcome Financial Obstacles & Debt Burdens,
Attract Wealth & Success, Fulfill Material Ambitions & Secure Your Financial Future
8 Grand Fire Labs to 8 Wealth Creation Archetypes
82 Special Poojas | 8 Powerspot Poojas
24 Chanting Services | 25 Special Services
Participation Options: One-Time | 8-Month Group | 8-Month Individual
LIVE on Aug. 6, 2024 at 3:30 pm HDT
8-Month Ashtalakshmi Invocation



Ashtalakshmi Program: Invoke 8 Forms of Lakshmi for Multifold Wealth, Abundance & Good Fortune

Lakshmi is the most important of all the Goddesses because she represents wealth. Without wealth, everything falls apart, says Dr. Pillai. In Vedic tradition, Goddess Lakshmi is the Shakti (Supreme Feminine Creation Energy) of the Ultimate Wealth Archetype Vishnu. She embodies wealth, good luck, joy, love, good fortune, fertility, and abundance and can grant these as blessings to her devotees.
This resplendent and glorious Goddess of Wealth has eight unique manifestations, representing eight types of wealth required to lead a fulfilling life on this earthplane. Scriptures and sacred texts hail these eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi as Ashtalakshmi, providers of prosperity in all dimensions, who can grant eightfold blessings of endless fortune, money, food, power, progeny, courage, victory, and knowledge.
Ashtalakshmi Program: 8-Month Wealth Attracting & Fortune Multiplier Program
AstroVed will invoke the powers and blessings of the Eight Forms of Wealth Goddess Lakshmi in our 8 Month Grand Ashtalakshmi Invocation with 147 sacred rituals performed on her auspicious powertime days along with invoking 7 Supreme Wealth Creation Archetypes:
  • Lakshmi– Bestower of Fortune, Affluence, Beauty & Goal Attainment
  • Kamadhenu Kubera– Granter of Pleasures & Material Comforts
  • Lakshmi Kubera– Wish-Fulfilling Duo & Restorers of Wealth & Abundance
  • Swarna Varahi– Performer Goddess & Wealth Multiplier
  • Ashtadasa Bhuja Mahalakshmi– 18-Hand Mahalakshmi Who Destroys All Obstacles to Wealth Creation
  • Sundara Mahalakshmi– Imperial Goddess of Wealth & Bestower of 64 Aishwaryam (Wealth Boons)
  • Lakshmi as Shenbagavalli– Relationship Boosting & Success Bestowing Goddess
This Wealth-Attracting and Fortune-Multiplier Program includes 8 Grand Fire Labs, 82 Special Poojas, 8 Powerspot Poojas, 24 Chanting Services, and 25 Special Services targeted to remove obstacles to wealth creation, bad money karma, debts, and financial suffering and help you enjoy material abundance, well-being, prosperity, pleasures, fame, position, blissful relationships, family well-being, fulfill dreams and ambitions, and create a new financial future.

28 Blessings of Lakshmi’s 8 Wealth-Bestowing Forms (Ashtalakshmi)

As per Ashtalakshmi Stotram, a devotional hymn dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, here are the names of the Ashtalakshmi, the Eight Divine forms of the Goddess who can bestow the following blessings

Adi Lakshmi
Adi Lakshmi– Goddess of Primeval Wealth
  • Bestows endless fortune & prosperity
  • Grants protection & boons
  • Removes ego & negative traits
  • Gives knowledge & helps attain salvation
Dhana Lakshmi
Dhana Lakshmi– Goddess of Money and Riches
  • Showers money & riches
  • Bestows ability to attract wealth
  • Grants wealth based on past & present life karma
  • Helps overcome loss in business
Dhanya Lakshmi
Dhanya Lakshmi– Goddess of Grains
  • Removes scarcity & grants a healthy life
  • Confers protection from natural calamities & disasters
  • Ensures well-being of crops & cattle
  • Provides lasting food supplies & nourishment
Gaja Lakshmi
Gaja Lakshmi– Goddess of Power and Authority
  • Bestows power, authority & vehicles
  • Destroys misfortunes
  • Gives luxury & material comforts
  • Grants recognition, fame & high position
Santana Lakshmi
Santana Lakshmi-– Goddess of Progeny
  • Bestows good & healthy progeny
  • Safeguards & ensures the well-being of children
Dhairya Lakshmi
Dhairya Lakshmi– Goddess of Courage
  • Gives valor, patience & objectivity
  • Empowers with courage to face challenges & overcome obstacles
  • Fulfills earnest wishes
  • Grants freedom from fear & doubts
Vijaya Lakshmi
Vijaya Lakshmi– Goddess of Victory and Focus
  • Bestows victory & focus on goals
  • Alleviates all types of poverty & sins
  • Showers Divine support for accomplishing goals
Vidya Lakshmi
Vidya Lakshmi-– Goddess of Education and Learning
  • Grants wealth of education, knowledge & talents
  • Bestows wisdom & helps improve skills
  • Helps gain prominence in chosen career path


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing scripture-prescribed rituals can help invoke the following life-transforming blessings of the Goddess of Wealth

8 Grand Fire Labs For Debt-Relief, Financial Stability, to Empower Abundance, Prosperity & Overcome Bad Money Karma

Coupon Precentage
3-Priest Ashtalakshmi Fire Lab Invoking 8 Forms of Wealth Lakshmi on the 1st Month

3-Priest Ashtalakshmi Fire Lab Invoking 8 Forms of Wealth Lakshmi on the 1st Month

According to scriptures, Lakshmi’s eight forms can satisfy all human needs through their individual nature and manifestations. These eight Goddess forms reflect the eight diverse sides of wealth in life. Health, money, fertility, learning, courage, power, progeny, and victory are among them
Performing a Fire Lab to Goddess Ashtalakshmi can help you gain abundant blessings from the eight forms of Lakshmi and attain the blessings of her consort, Vishnu, Ultimate Wealth and Preserver Archetype
  • Bestows wealth in abundance and prosperity & fulfills earnest wishes
  • Provides material comforts and access to luxury & riches
  • Grants fame, position, power, progeny & success in endeavors
  • Removes financial distress & hardships
  • Resolves losses in business & enables business growth
  • Protects against natural calamities & disasters
  • Instills courage to face challenges & overcome obstacles
  • Helps improve intelligence and skills & bestows academic excellence

LIVE on Jun. 26, 2024 at 2:30 am HDT

Coupon Precentage
3-Priest Kamadhenu Kubera Fire Lab for Wealth & Wish-Fulfillment on the 2nd Month

3-Priest Kamadhenu Kubera Fire Lab for Wealth & Wish-Fulfillment on the 2nd Month

Kamadhenu is a wish-fulfilling Divine bovine Goddess who fulfills all your earnest wishes and bestows wealth, prosperity, and happiness. She is the heavenly cow of plenty revered as the Gho Mata (Motherly Cow), from whom you receive all you wish for in abundance. As per scriptures, Kamadhenu is the embodiment of Gods and Goddesses and is the Mother of all Cows
Kubera is the Guardian of Celestial Wealth and Banker of Heaven. As per the great epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, Kubera is described as the Lord of Riches who safeguards all treasures such as Nava Nidhi (Nine Forms of Heavenly Wealth) and blesses his devotees with comforts and luxuries
  • Grants wish-fulfillment, happiness & progress
  • Safeguards wealth, income streams, family wealth & well-being
  • Gives relief from debts, losses, sorrow & negativity
  • Bestows wealth, fame, abundance & prosperity
  • Removes obstacles to wealth creation & financial growth
  • Helps protect money & assets from loss or theft
  • Confers the blessings of all celestial beings

LIVE on Jul. 6, 2024 at 3:30 pm HDT

3-Priest Fire Lab Invoking Goddess Lakshmi as Shenbagavalli For Relationship Bliss at Powerspot on the 3rd Month

3-Priest Fire Lab Invoking Goddess Lakshmi as Shenbagavalli For Relationship Bliss at Powerspot on the 3rd Month

As per Powerspot belief, Goddess Lakshmi is said to have performed austerities here to earn the grace of Vishnu and succeeded in her aim of gaining a place in his chest. Worshipping Lakshmi in this avatar with a Fire Lab is believed to grant the wealth of happy relationships, family unity, and progeny blessings
  • Helps for successful unions & reunion of estranged couples
  • Grants good progeny & boosts health
  • Solves litigation issues in your favor
  • Prevents bad money karma’s adverse impact
  • Empowers good financial fortune
  • Removes negative energy & grants peace of mind

LIVE on Aug. 6, 2024 at 3:30 pm HDT

3-Priest Lakshmi Kubera Fire Lab for Financial Well-Being & Good Fortune on the 4th Month

3-Priest Lakshmi Kubera Fire Lab for Financial Well-Being & Good Fortune on the 4th Month

According to the Puranas, Goddess Lakshmi emerged from the Churning of the Cosmic Ocean of Milk. She wed Mahavishnu, and is considered the energy of manifestation (Shakti), and invoking her can remove the burden of debts, loans, and losses and grant Ashta Aishwaryam (Eight Types of Wealth)
Kubera is the Lord of North direction, the direction of prosperity, who once even lent money to Venkateshwara, the wealthiest form of Vishnu, on the occasion of the latter’s marriage with Goddess Padmavati, an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. Kubera’s blessings can accord abundance, material comforts, and well-being
Lakshmi Kubera Homa is performed to invoke the combined auspicious blessings of these Supreme Wealth Archetypes to attain material growth and prosperity, eliminate all the barriers to accumulating wealth, and bestow financial abundance
  • Multiplies wealth & avenues for wealth creation and asset-acquisition
  • Helps to succeed in business & profession
  • Bestows Ashta Aishwaryam (Eight Types of Wealth) & abundance
  • Alleviates debt burdens & helps attain financial security
  • Eradicates financial distress & suffering
  • Provides new opportunities for progress

LIVE on Sep. 5, 2024 at 2:30 am HDT

3-Priest Fire Lab Invoking Goddess Lakshmi as Sundara Mahalakshmi For Multifold Prosperity Boons at Powerspot on 5th Month

3-Priest Fire Lab Invoking Goddess Lakshmi as Sundara Mahalakshmi For Multifold Prosperity Boons at Powerspot on 5th Month

Sundara Mahalakshmi is also known as Adi Moola Lakshmi, the Mother of all 64 Lakshmi’s who governs wealth and well-being. According to Powerspot practices and traditions, performing a Fire Lab to this unique form of Lakshmi can grant prosperity, relief from debts and help you recover from business losses
  • Endows with 64 Aishwaryam (64 Forms of Wealth) & spiritual growth
  • Helps overcome debts, misfortune & losses in business
  • Amplifies fame, valor, knowledge, progeny, intelligence & beauty
  • Helps you enjoy relationship bliss & grants unlimited happiness
  • Grants victory in undertakings & fulfills all desires
  • Gives favorable results in business/contracts

LIVE on Oct. 3, 2024 at 3:30 pm HDT

3-Priest Swarna Varahi Fire Lab to Invoke the Fortune Multiplier Goddess Varahi on the 6th Month

3-Priest Swarna Varahi Fire Lab to Invoke the Fortune Multiplier Goddess Varahi on the 6th Month

Varahi, boar-faced archetype of material wealth, is a fast-acting Performer Goddess of the earthplane. She is the embodiment of valor, beauty, kindness, and auspiciousness. Both scriptures and Dr. Pillai hail her as a supremely powerful Goddess who can help you build abundance consciousness from within and create material wealth in your life.
Swarna Varahi is a form of Varahi who gets her name from her powers to bless devotees with abundance, wealth in the form of gold, and power. Hence, she is hailed as Ishtaartha Daayinyai (Fulfiller of Desires), Bhakta Alakshmee Vinaashinyai (Destroyer of Poverty of her Devotees), and Chintitaartha Pradaayinyai (Granter Riches Just By the Thought)
Invoking Swarna Varahi in the sacred Fire Lab can bestow the following blessings:
  • Helps attain rapid results & resolves problems quickly
  • Clears bad money karma & actualizes immense wealth & comforts
  • Grants progress in career & business
  • Confers success in all endeavors
  • Gives protection & relief from negative influences
  • Enables harmonious personal & professional relationships
  • Helps you enjoy rewards for good actions

LIVE on Nov. 3, 2024 at 2:30 pm HST

3-Priest Lakshmi Fire Lab for Abundance, Luck, Goal-Attainment & Material Comforts at Powerspot on the 7th Month

3-Priest Lakshmi Fire Lab for Abundance, Luck, Goal-Attainment & Material Comforts at Powerspot on the 7th Month

In Vedic tradition Goddess Lakshmi is the Supreme Feminine Energy and Compassionate Mother, often called ‘Sri’. As per the sacred hymn Kanakadhara Stotram (Rain of Gold Hymn), she showers her followers with gifts of auspiciousness, affluence, knowledge, strength and luck, ensuring they lead contented lives
Performing this Fire Lab to the Goddess of Riches and Assests on Friday, her powertime day, can help you overcome debts and financial difficulties, build prosperity, achieve your material goals, and uplift your financial well-being
  • Helps overcome negative influences, karmic issues & Dosha (Afflictions) impeding progress
  • Enables goal attainment & success in endeavors
  • Blesses with immense wealth, good luck, fortune & intelligence
  • Improves prospects & stabilizes your monetary status
  • Confers an auspicious start to a business venture or undertaking for material abundance
  • Grants financial freedom & the ability to acquire luxury & comforts

LIVE on Dec. 3, 2024 at 2:30 pm HST

3-Priest Ashtadasa Bhuja Mahalakshmi Fire Lab to Destroy Afflictions & All Obstacles to Wealth Creation on the 8th Month

3-Priest Ashtadasa Bhuja Mahalakshmi Fire Lab to Destroy Afflictions & All Obstacles to Wealth Creation on the 8th Month

Ashtadasa Bhuja Mahalakshmi (18-Armed Mahalakshmi) is an all-powerful Goddess who possesses the combined energies and strengths of Goddesses Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. According to the sacred text Devi Mahatmyam (Hymn Describing the Glory of the Goddess), this form of the Goddess emerged from the collective powers of all the celestial beings to destroy the demon Mahishasura. She is portrayed with eighteen arms holding Divine weapons that bestow powerful, life-changing blessings to remove problems and help you progress and prosper in life
  • Destroys obstacles blocking wealth accumulation
  • Protects against enemies, calamities & planetary afflictions
  • Helps you achieve your material goals
  • Grants positivity, peace & abundance
  • Cleanses your aura of negativity
  • Helps get rid of scarcity & financial burdens
  • Invites all kinds of wealth & fortune
  • Bestows the graceful blessings of Mahalakshmi

8 Poojas at Powerspots to Resolve Money Problems, Shatter Roadblocks to Success & Grant Ultimate Wealth Protection

Archana (Pooja) to Mahalakshmi at 8 Powerspots (One Powerspot Per Month for 8 Months)

Goddess Lakshmi as Mazhalai Mahalakshmi

  • Grants relief from Navagraha Dosha (9-Planet Afflictions) in the birth chart
  • Solves money problems
  • Provides a sweet voice

Goddess Lakshmi as Shenbagavalli

  • Helps reunite couples
  • Instills harmony & unity in relationships
  • Grants success in litigation
  • Bestows happiness & prosperity

Goddess Lakshmi as Komalavalli

  • Fulfills sincere prayers & wishes

Goddess Lakshmi as Saranayagi

  • Brings solutions to recurring problems & misfortunes
  • Helps repay loans & find missing family members
  • Removes obstacles & bad karma

Goddess Lakshmi as Sundara Mahalakshmi

  • Helps recover from lack of money, debts, and business loss
  • Bestows prosperity

Goddess Lakshmi

  • Blesses with affluence, fame, family well-being & ultimate wealth protection
  • Fulfills material desires
  • Removes ignorance & illusions

Goddess Lakshmi as Vijaya Valli

  • Grants relief from planetary afflictions
  • Fulfill sincere wishes
  • Boosts mental & physical health

Goddess Maha Lakshmi

  • Helps regain lost wealth, success & happiness

82 Special Poojas For Material Wealth, Family Welfare, Wish-Fulfillment & to Overcome Financial Deprivation

Shodasa Mahalakshmi Archana (Pooja to 16 forms of Lakshmi) on the 1st Month

Shodasa Mahalakshmi Archana (Pooja to 16 forms of Lakshmi) on the 1st Month

  • Bestows wealth, prosperity & abundance
  • Banishes financial scarcity & misfortune
  • Grants good fortune, auspiciousness & removes financial obstacles
  • Fulfills material wishes & gives progress in job/business
  • Helps achieve material goals
  • Grants family welfare & knowledge
  • Ensures happiness & peace of mind
Archana (Pooja) to Sundara Mahalakshmi for 8 Months

Archana (Pooja) to Sundara Mahalakshmi for 8 Months

  • Enables better income, wealth enhancement & business profits
  • Wipes out monetary distress & financial losses
  • Removes impediments to monetary growth & all-around welfare
  • Gives success in endeavors & grants worldly enjoyment
32 Brzee Lakshmi Archana (Pooja) and Arti (Sound & Light Ceremony) Every Friday for 8 Months

32 Brzee Lakshmi Archana (Pooja) and Arti (Sound & Light Ceremony) Every Friday for 8 Months

  • Destroys lack of money & helps birth new wealth karma
  • Helps connect with the prosperity energy of the Goddess
  • Assists in accumulating wealth
  • Helps attract all kinds of abundance
Gho (Cow) Pooja on Fridays (Once a Month for 8 Months)

Gho (Cow) Pooja on Fridays (Once a Month for 8 Months)

  • Wipes out all negativity, past karma & sins
  • Resolves debts
  • Bestows ancestral blessings, wealth, happiness & prosperity

Sumangali Pooja Married Women Ritual in the Last Month

  • Invokes the grace and blessings of the Divine Goddess
  • Grants overall well-being of the family & life partner

25 Special Services to Remove Obstacles to Financial Elevation & Attain Success, Fame, Longevity & Protection

Sri Suktam Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Prosperity Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot (Once Per Month For 8 Months)

Sri Suktam Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Prosperity Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot (Once Per Month For 8 Months)

Sri Suktam is a sacred hymn from the Rig Veda that invokes ‘Sri,’ the auspicious energy of Supreme Fortune and Prosperity Archetype Goddess Lakshmi
  • Helps attract wealth, fame & material comforts
  • Removes financial difficulties
  • Protects from untimely death & accidents
  • Confers good health & longevity
  • Provides peace of mind
Sarva Aishwarya Muttu (Coconut Smashing for Wealth Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot  (Once Per Month For 8 Months)

Sarva Aishwarya Muttu (Coconut Smashing for Wealth Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot (Once Per Month For 8 Months)

This coconut-smashing ritual (Muttu) is believed to bestow absolute prosperity and fulfillment after removing obstacles
  • Grants wealth, prosperity & good fortune
  • Bestows success in endeavors
Panam Para (Coins Offering in a Measuring Vessel) at Kerala Powerspot  (Once During the Program)

Panam Para (Coins Offering in a Measuring Vessel) at Kerala Powerspot (Once During the Program)

In this ritual, Para (measuring vessel) is filled with coins, a true symbol of abundance, and is offered to the Goddess
  • Blesses with everlasting health, wealth & food grains
Ghee Lamp Lighting for Wealth and Abundance at 8 Powerspots (One Powerspot Per Month for 8 Months)

Ghee Lamp Lighting for Wealth and Abundance at 8 Powerspots (One Powerspot Per Month for 8 Months)

According to the Agni Purana, lighting a Ghee Lamp can help destroy scarcity and darkness and bestow proserity blessings
  • Helps gain prosperity & wealth blessings of Goddess Lakshmi
  • Attracts positive vibrations

24 Powerful Hymns Chanting For Abundance & Relief from Debts

Sri Suktam Chanting (Hymn of Praise of Goddess Lakshmi) (Once per Month for 8 Months)

Invokes Goddess Lakshmi as the Goddess of Fortune, Wealth, and Abundance. It seeks her Divine guidance to destroy misfortune and calamity and dispel ignorance and hindrances
  • Bestows abundance, financial stability & wish-fulfillment
  • Resolves monetary problems & grants prosperity
  • Provides success in a chosen profession
  • Helps destroy scarcity & financial hardships

Lakshmi Ashtothara Archana (Pooja by Chanting 108 Names of Lakshmi) Chanting from 2nd to 7th Month

Lakshmi Ashtothara consists of the 108 Names of Lakshmi to help people with spiritual growth, removing obstacles, improving relationships, and promoting physical and mental well-being
  • Bestows pleasures, wealth & salvation
  • Grants occult powers
  • Destroys all kinds of troubles
  • Dispels all evil forces
  • Destroys all accumulated sins
  • Grants victory in all endeavors

Lakshmi Sahasranamam Archana (Pooja by Chanting 1000 Names of Lakshmi) on the 1st and 8th Month

This sacred hymn, found in the Skanda Purana, extols the virtues, blessings, and supreme powers of the Goddess, who is also worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Indra, and invokes her Divine aura for spiritual and material blessings
  • Blesses with wealth, wisdom, strength, beauty & luck
  • Helps new ventures flourish & multiply
  • Removes debts, misfortune, insufficiency & losses in business
  • Fulfills all material & spiritual desires
  • Helps accomplish goals
  • Grants salvation

Lakshmi Shobane (Chanting in Praise of Lakshmi) For 8 Months

This hymn invokes the powers and blessings of Lakshmi and her consort Narayana (Vishnu) for complete protection and blessings for happy relationships and family unity
  • Helps fulfill wishes for a happy family life
  • Blesses with wealth, prosperity & financial stability in the home
  • Helps you find an ideal life partner
  • Grants long life, good health & salvation



Individual Package

Ashtalakshmi Program Monthly Individual Package

Ashtalakshmi Program Monthly Individual Package

US $ 161.00

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Ashtalakshmi Program Monthly Individual Package to propitiate wealth archetypes Lakshmi with a host of services, including an Individual Fire Lab, 2 Special Poojas, Powerspot Pooja, Sacred Hymns Chanting, and 3 Special Services, to receive limitless abundance and prosperity.
  • Individual Fire Lab Invoking Goddess Lakshmi as Shenbagavalli For Relationship Bliss (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Archana (Pooja) to Mahalakshmi at 8 Powerspots (One Powerspot Per Month for 8 Months)
    • Goddess Lakshmi as Komalavalli
  • Archana (Pooja) to Sundara Mahalakshmi
  • Gho (Cow) Pooja on Friday
  • Sri Suktam Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Prosperity Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Sarva Aishwarya Muttu (Coconut Smashing for Wealth Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Ghee Lamp Lighting for Wealth and Abundance at Powerspot
  • Lakshmi Shobane (Chanting in Praise of Lakshmi)
  • Complimentary Product: 2 x 4 Owl Lakshmi Yantra

Group Package

Ashtalakshmi Program Monthly Group Package

Ashtalakshmi Program Monthly Group Package

US $ 63.00

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Ashtalakshmi Program Monthly Group Package to propitiate wealth archetypes Lakshmi with a host of services, including Fire Lab, 2 Special Poojas, Powerspot Pooja, Sacred Hymns Chanting, and 3 Special Services, to receive limitless abundance and prosperity.
  • Group Fire Lab (One Per Month)
    • 3-Priest Fire Lab Invoking Goddess Lakshmi as Shenbagavalli For Relationship Bliss at Powerspot on Aug. 7, 2024 at 6:00 am IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Mahalakshmi at 8 Powerspots (One Powerspot Per Month for 8 Months)
    • Goddess Lakshmi as Komalavalli
  • Archana (Pooja) to Sundara Mahalakshmi
  • Gho (Cow) Pooja on Friday
  • Sri Suktam Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Prosperity Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Sarva Aishwarya Muttu (Coconut Smashing for Wealth Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Ghee Lamp Lighting for Wealth and Abundance at Powerspot
  • Lakshmi Shobane (Chanting in Praise of Lakshmi)
  • Complimentary Product: 2 x 4 Owl Lakshmi Yantra


5-Metal Ashtalakshmi Statues (Set of 8 Lakshmi Statues)

5-Metal Ashtalakshmi Statues (Set of 8 Lakshmi Statues)

-20%US $ 460 US $ 368.00

Free Shipping

Package Description

Goddess Lakshmi is the Supreme energy that symbolizes wealth, good luck, joy, love, good fortune, and abundance. Ashtalakshmi stands for the 8 forms of Goddess Lakshmi, and when you worship the Ashtalakshmi statues that is energized during our powerful Ashtalakshmi rituals, you can receive the combined blessings of 8 forms of the Goddess which can bestow 64 kinds of wealth blessings.
Energized Dhanakarshana Yantra

Energized Dhanakarshana Yantra

-5%US $ 47 US $ 44.65

Package Description

Dhanakarshana is the form of Lakshmi who attracts wealth and is considered the energy of manifestation (Shakti) and invoking her through her Yantra can remove the burden of debts, loans, and losses and grant Ashta Aishwaryam (Eight Types of Wealth).
Individual Brzee Lakshmi Homa (Fire Lab to Remove Financial Hurdles & Attract Wealth)

Individual Brzee Lakshmi Homa (Fire Lab to Remove Financial Hurdles & Attract Wealth)

US $ 154.00

Package Description

Dr. Pillai says that Shreem Brzee Lakshmi is the embodiment of the Shreem Brzee mantra, known as the ultimate wealth mantra. Shreem is the sound of life, money, joy, Prana (Life Energy) and Brzee is a creative sound that can activate your wealth consciousness. Performing this Fire Lab can bestow worldly comforts and luxuries, aid business growth, enhance financial well-being, and maximize material gains.
Ashtalakshmi Homa (Fire Lab Invoking 8 Forms of Wealth Goddess Lakshmi)

2 Priest Ashtalakshmi Fire Lab (Homa Invoking 8 Forms Of Wealth Goddess Lakshmi)

US $ 267.00

Package Description

According to sacred texts, the resplendent Goddess Lakshmi has has eight different forms, representing eight types of wealth and revered as Ashtalakshmi. Performing this Fire Lab to Ashtalakshmi can bestow the eight-fold blessings of Lakshmi to provide everlasting wealth, prosperity, nourishment, power, valor, victory, knowledge, and unconquerable abundance.

8-Month Ashtalakshmi Invocation