Invoke the Custodians of Land & Properties Vastu Purusha (God of Vastu) & Ashta Dikpalaka (Guardians of the Eight Directions)

To Remove Negativity, Evil Eye, and Vastu Afflictions & Grant Prosperity, Positive Vibrations & Harmonious Relationships
5-Priest Vastu Homa (Fire Lab to Overcome Vastu Afflictions & Improve Wealth Inflow)

Vastu Gayatri Mantra (Vastu Blessings Hymn), Vastu Shanti Japa (Hymn in Pacification of Vastu), Ashtadikpalaka Mantra (Hymn Invoking Guardians of Eight Directions) Chanting

Vastu Pooja (Special Pooja to Correct Architectural & Energetic Defects and Restore Balance & Harmony)

Individual Vastu Fire Lab | Powerspot Pooja

LIVE on Dec. 1, 2023 at 3:00 pm HST
Purify Your Living Space Program
Purify Your Living Space Program



Invoke the Custodians of Land & Properties Vastu Purusha (God of Vastu) & Ashta Dikpalaka (Guardians of the Eight Directions)

To Remove Negativity, Evil Eye, and Vastu Afflictions & Grant Prosperity, Positive Vibrations & Harmonious Relationships

5-Priest Vastu Homa (Fire Lab to Overcome Vastu Afflictions & Improve Wealth Inflow)

Vastu Gayatri Mantra (Vastu Blessings Hymn), Vastu Shanti Japa (Hymn in Pacification of Vastu), Ashta Dikpalaka Mantra (Hymn Invoking Guardians of Eight Directions) Chanting

Vastu Pooja (Special Pooja to Correct Architectural & Energetic Defects and Restore Balance & Harmony)

Individual Vastu Fire Lab | Powerspot Pooja

LIVE on Dec. 1, 2023 at 3:00 pm HST



Vastu Pooja & Fire Lab- Vedic Rituals to Purify Your Living Space & Remove Negative Energies

AstroVed will be performing an exclusive Vastu Pooja and Fire Lab on Dec. 2, a 24-hour powertime when the energy is favorable to remove the adverse effects and problems caused by the structural errors of your home/office, purify your living space, and protect your assets.
Our services will invoke the immense powers and blessings of the Custodians of Properties- Vastu Purusha (God of Vastu) and Ashta Dikpalaka (Guardians of the Eight Directions) with Special Poojas, Offerings, and Sacred Hymns Chanting to increase the positive vibrations in your living and working space, grant protection from natural calamities, evil eye, and the ill effects of Vastu Dosha, remove any obstacles to success and prosperity, and boost business growth, family unity, health, and harmonious relationships.
Vastu Pooja & Fire Lab- Vedic Rituals to Purify Your Living Space & Remove Negative Energies

Vastu Purusha- God of Vastu & Lord of Landed Properties

Vastu Purusha is the soul, protector, and patron of landed properties. As mentioned in sacred texts, he emerged out of the sweat of Shiva and attained a large human form. However, when he started causing trouble to the Devas (as he wanted to devour the three worlds), they joined together to subdue him, and thus, 45 heavenly beings are believed to reside in different parts of Vastu Purusha.
Vastu Purusha is present in every plot of land, whether big or small. His head remains hanging down, and his body occupies the entire length and breadth of the ground. Hence, appeasing him by following the principles of construction laid out in the Vastu Shastra can ensure peace, prosperity, and harmony prevail in the constructed space.
Invoking him through the Vastu Pooja and Fire Lab can bestow relief from the malefic effects of Vastu afflictions (architectural and energetic defects), invite auspiciousness, and generate positive vibrations in your living/office space.

Ashta Dikpalaka- Guardians of the Eight Directions

The word ‘Ashta’ denotes the number eight, ‘Dik’ means the direction, and ‘Pala’ or ‘Palaka’ is the guardian or the ruler. Ashta Dikpalaka, the rulers of the eight directions or the eight quarters of the universe, have a significant role in the Vedic science of architecture (Vastu Shastra). The Ashta Dikpalaka include:
Ruling Direction Dikpala Consort Planet
North Kubera Kuberajaya Mercury
South Yama Yami Mars
East Indra Saci Sun
West Varuna Nalani Saturn
North-East Isana Parvati Jupiter
South-East Agni Svaha Venus
North-West Vayu Bharati Moon
South-West Nirrti Khadgi Rahu
Invoking the eight protection archetypes through a Fire Lab and Poojas by chanting their sacred mantras can help pacify them, clear your home/office environment from negative energies, and bestow a powerful and positive aura.

Significance & Blessings of 7 Key Rituals of Vastu Pooja

Vastu Pooja aims to correct the flaws of construction and ensure that the living/working space is free from any evil or negative energies. It involves worshipping the five elements of nature, natural forces, and the deities governing the directions.
This comprehensive Pooja consists of seven key rituals, which will be performed on your behalf by expert priests, including

Vigneshwara Pooja, Sankalpam & Punyahavachanam
Seeking blessings from Ganesha, Setting the Intent & Purifying the Space

The Pooja commences by seeking the blessings of Ganesha, known as Vigneshwara- Lord of Obstacles, to ward off any impediments to successfully carrying out the Pooja and attain abundant blessings for a new beginning.
During the Pooja, the Sankalpam is performed, which clearly elaborates the intent of the Pooja (time, place, people, and reason for the Pooja).
Lastly, Punyavachanam, or the purification of the space, is carried out by chanting mantras and sprinkling Holy water throughout the premises and on the participants.

Kalasa Pooja
Invoking the Deity in a Sacred Pot to Fulfill Desires

The Divine is invoked inside the Kalasa (Sacred Pot) filled with water or rice and mango leaves, an inverted coconut placed on the top, and tied with sacred threads.
The water in the Kalasa represents the primordial waters from which the entire creation emerged, symbolizing it as the giver of life; mango leaves represent the creation, and the sacred threads signify the love and peace that binds everything in creation.
Vastu Purusha is invoked in this Pooja to deeply connect with his energy and seek his grace to fulfill your wishes and bless the space.

Vastu Parivara Devata Avahanam
Invoking Blessings of Vastu Deity, Navagraha (9 Planets) & Lokapala (Guardians of the World) Through a Special Prayer

This Special Pooja is carried out with Dhyana, deep meditation on the Divine with prayers or mantras to connect with their powerful energies by completely surrendering at their Lotus Feet, and invokes three principal deities:
  • Vastu Purusha– Divine Lord of Construction & Architecture
  • Navagraha– 9 Planets
  • Lokapala– Four Regents of Four Cardinal Directions- Kubera (North), Yama (South), Indra (East), and Varuna (West)
Invoking these deities with faith and devotion can help gain their blessings to remove bad karma which manifests as Dosha (Afflictions) in the current life, safeguard from harm and evil intentions, strengthen familial relationships, and enhance overall well-being.

Prana Prathishta (Enlivening the Deity) & Upachara (Sacred Offerings) Pooja

In Tantra Tattva, Prana Prathishta is a ritual meant to introduce life into a Murti (Idol) by the recitation of sacred Vedic mantras. This process is carried out along with the Upachara, sacred offerings given to the deity with devotion, which includes- Hydration Ceremony, Ritualistic Cleansing of the Hands and Feet and Dressing the Deity, Food and Flower Offerings, and Pooja with Burning Incense and Lighting Lamps.

Vastu Fire Lab with Sacred Hymns Chanting & Poornahuthi (Completion of Ceremony with Sacred Offerings)

Vastu Fire Lab is performed to invoke Vastu Purusha and the Ashta Dikpalaka (Guardians of the Eight Directions) with the chanting of sacred hymns and has the potency to resolve Vastu defects in the living or workspace and initiate positive transformations for growth. Vastu Brahma holds complete authority over the ritual and boosts the positivity of the space where the Fire Lab is performed.
During Poornahuthi, sacred mantras are chanted, and the final oblations are made into the fire, representing the offering of the individual’s actions, desires, and attachments. It is a symbolic act of letting go and surrendering the outcomes to Divine will, leading to spiritual fulfillment, purification, and transformation.

Dhoop (Incense Sticks Lighting) and Deepa Nivedhyam (Lamp Lighting Offering) & Karpoora Niranjanam (Lighting Camphor as an Offering to the Divine)

Offering worship to the Divine with these sacred offerings is a way of expressing your respect and gratitude to the deity.
As per sacred texts, lighting lamps is symbolic of inviting Divine light into your life to destroy misfortune, ignorance, inauspiciousness, and ego and illuminate your path. Burning camphor helps seek forgiveness for sins committed knowingly or unknowingly and invites Divine blessings for protection and prosperity.

Mantra Pushpam (Flower Offering While Chanting Sacred Hymn), Yadhasthanam (Placing Deity in its Designated Place) & Prokshanam (Sanctifying the Space with Energized Water)

The concluding ceremonies of the Vastu Pooja involve chanting the Vedic Hymn from the Krishna Yajur Veda, placing the deity in the proper location (usually the North-East corner of the space, which represents purity and Divine energy), and sprinkling the energized water to remove internal and external impurities.

When Should You Perform Vastu Pooja?

  • Constructing a building that goes against Vastu principles
  • Upon purchasing an old house or shifting into a new residence
  • After a renovation of a home or workplace
  • After residing in a location for a decade
  • Upon coming back from a long journey/prolonged travel
  • Ongoing financial struggles & family problems

Blessings of Performing Vastu Pooja & Vastu Homa (Fire Lab)

  • Removes any issues related to land, structure, and interior arrangement faults
  • Helps attain forgiveness for any animals unintentionally harmed/ displaced during the construction of the home/workspace
  • Removes roadblocks to progress in your personal and professional life
  • Brings harmony and balance between the five elements of nature and the energies of the nine planets
  • Instills positive vibrations & cleanses blocked or negative energies
  • Blesses with luck, health, wealth, prosperity, positivity, wisdom, and spiritual bliss


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing the following ceremonies can bestow immense blessings

Grand Fire Lab with Sacred Hymns Chanting to Overcome Afflictions and Grant Multi-Directional Protection & Prosperity

Vastu Gayatri Mantra (Vastu Blessings Hymn), Vastu Shanti Japa (Hymn in Pacification of Vastu), Ashta Dikpalaka Mantra (Hymn Invoking Guardians of Eight Directions) Chanting with 5-Priest Vastu Fire Lab to Overcome Vastu Afflictions & Improve Wealth Inflow and Poornahuthi

Vastu Gayatri Mantra invokes Vastu Purusha and has the power to banish all Vastu Dosha (Construction/Design-related Afflictions) and grant wealth, auspiciousness, good health, peace and harmony
Vastu Shanti Mantra is a pacification hymn to help remove the design faults of a place that is not constructed in accordance with Vastu Shastra. It invokes the blessings of the Divine and cleanses the surroundings of blocked or negative energy
Ashta Dikpalaka mantras are a set of eight sacred hymns that invoke the Guardians of each direction and seek their eightfold benevolent protection and security against the negative energies affecting your living space and surroundings
The purpose of Vastu Homa lies in invoking Divine blessings and linking the elements of nature (fire, water, earth, and wind) with the elements of construction for a positive and empowering energy flow and balance
Performing a Vastu Fire Lab with powerful sacred hymns can bestow the following blessings
  • Removes Vastu Dosha, Griha Dosha & Dik Dosha (Construction, House or Directional Afflictions)
  • Mitigates curses, adverse effects due to the bad position of the planets & obstacles
  • Improves inflow of wealth & income in the home/business
  • Bestows all-around protection & prosperity
  • Eliminates fear of accidents & thefts
  • Cleanses and purifies surroundings & instills positive energy
  • Grants peace, health & happiness

LIVE on Dec. 1, 2023 at 3:00 pm HST

Preparatory Poojas & Sacred Texts Chanting to Ward Away Malefic Planetary Influences, Dispel Roadblocks to Personal & Professional Progress & Empower Success

Vigneshwara Pooja, Sankalpam, and Punyahavachanam (Pooja Seeking Blessings From Ganesha, Setting The Intent & Purifying The Space)

Vigneshwara Pooja, Sankalpam, and Punyahavachanam (Pooja Seeking Blessings From Ganesha, Setting The Intent & Purifying The Space)

  • Shatters roadblocks in every venture
  • Helps overcome fears & sharpens focus and resolve
  • Materializes desires & initiates auspicious occurrences
  • Grants good fortune, prosperity & success
  • Confers intelligence, knowledge & wisdom
Kalasa Pooja (Pooja Invoking the Divine in a Sacred Pot)

Kalasa Pooja (Pooja Invoking the Divine in a Sacred Pot)

  • Fulfills wishes
  • Empowers material comforts & prosperity
  • Attracts positive energy & enhances spiritual power
  • Balances chakra (Energy Vortex) within the body

Vastu Parivara Devata Avahanam with Dhyana, Navagraha Pooja, and Lokapala Pooja (Special Pooja Invoking Divine Guardian Through Meditative Prayer, 9 Planets Pooja and Pooja to Guardians of Eight Directions)

  • Nullifies malefic planetary impact & strengthens benefic blessings
  • Grants courage & strength to dispel obstacles in personal & professional life
  • Minimizes enemy threats, hardships, suffering & mishaps predicted in birth chart
  • Grants good fortune, success, fame, education, knowledge & wealth
  • Safeguards against threats to life & untimely demise from every direction

Prana Prathishta (Enlivening the Deity) & Upachara (Sacred Offerings) Pooja

  • Removes Vastu Dosha (Construction/Design-Related Afflictions) & obstacles
  • Protects from evil forces, adverse influences, fatalities & mishaps
  • Grants prosperity, name, fame, power & longevity
  • Eliminates fears, sorrows, evil intentions & hardships

Special Poojas & Sacred Offerings to Purify Negative Energy, Shield Against Evil Spirits and Bestow Auspiciousness and Mental Clarity

Archana (Pooja) to Shiva, Ambal & Bhoomi Devi at Powerspot

Archana (Pooja) to Shiva, Ambal & Bhoomi Devi at Powerspot

  • Removes obstructions in construction work
  • Resolves land disputes
  • Improves business & trade
  • Dispels fear of death & enemy troubles
Dhoop (Incense Sticks Lighting) and Deepa Nivedhyam (Lamp Lighting Offering) & Karpoora Niranjanam (Lighting Camphor as an Offering to the Divine)

Dhoop (Incense Sticks Lighting) and Deepa Nivedhyam (Lamp Lighting Offering) & Karpoora Niranjanam (Lighting Camphor as an Offering to the Divine)

  • Wards off evil spirits & bad omens
  • Eliminates effects of darkness, ego & ignorance
  • Bestows wisdom, auspiciousness & happiness
  • Helps overcome stress & anxiety
  • Purifies the environment & brings mental peace
Mantra Pushpam (Flower Offering While Chanting Sacred Hymn), Yadhasthanam (Placing Deity in its Designated Place) & Prokshanam (Sanctifying the Space with Energized Water)

Mantra Pushpam (Flower Offering While Chanting Sacred Hymn), Yadhasthanam (Placing Deity in its Designated Place) & Prokshanam (Sanctifying the Space with Energized Water)

  • Resolves problems in life
  • Grants higher consciousness & knowledge
  • Eliminates delusions & grants clarity of thought
  • Purifies the negative energies in a place & surroundings



Individual Participation

Purify Your Living Space Package- Individual Participation

Purify Your Living Space Package- Individual Participation

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Purify Your Living Space Package- Individual Participation to invoke the Vastu deity, Navagraha, Ashta Dikpalaka and Ganesha with a suite of services to remove any issues related to land, structure, and interior arrangement faults, remove roadblocks to progress in your personal and professional life and bless you with luck, health, wealth, prosperity, positivity, wisdom, and spiritual bliss.
  • Individual Vastu Fire Lab to Overcome Vastu Afflictions & Improve Wealth Inflow and Poornahuthi with Vastu Gayatri Mantra (Vastu Blessings Hymn), Vastu Shanti Japa (Hymn in Pacification of Vastu), Ashta Dikpalaka Mantra (Hymn Invoking Guardians of Eight Directions) (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Vastu Gayatri Mantra (Vastu Blessings Hymn), Vastu Shanti Japa (Hymn in Pacification of Vastu), Ashta Dikpalaka Mantra (Hymn Invoking Guardians of Eight Directions) Chanting with 5-Priest Vastu Fire Lab to Overcome Vastu Afflictions & Improve Wealth Inflow and Poornahuthi on Dec. 2, 2023 at 6.30 am IST
  • Vigneshwara Pooja, Sankalpam, and Punyahavachanam (Pooja Seeking Blessings From Ganesha, Setting The Intent & Purifying The Space)
  • Kalasa Pooja (Pooja Invoking the Divine in a Sacred Pot)
  • Vastu Parivara Devata Avahanam with Dhyana, Navagraha Pooja, and Lokapala Pooja (Special Pooja Invoking Divine Guardian Through Meditative Prayer, 9 Planets Pooja, and Pooja to Guardians of Eight Directions)
  • Prana Prathishta (Enlivening the Deity) & Upachara (Sacred Offerings) Pooja
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva, Ambal & Bhooma Devi at Powerspot
  • Dhoop (Incense Sticks Lighting) and Deepa Nivedhyam (Lamp Lighting Offering) & Karpoora Niranjanam (Lighting Camphor as an Offering to the Divine)
  • Mantra Pushpam (Flower Offering While Chanting Sacred Hymn), Yadhasthanam (Placing Deity in its Designated Place) & Prokshanam (Sanctifying the Space with Energized Water)
  • Energized Product: 3X3 Vastu Yantra
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after entire set of rituals has been completed.

Group Participation

Purify Your Living Space Package-  Group Participation

Purify Your Living Space Package- Group Participation

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Purify Your Living Space Package- Group Participation to invoke the Vastu deity, Navagraha, Lokpala, and Ganesha with a suite of services to remove any issues related to land, structure, and interior arrangement faults, remove roadblocks to progress in your personal and professional life and bless you with luck, health, wealth, prosperity, positivity, wisdom, and spiritual bliss.
  • Vastu Gayatri Mantra (Vastu Blessings Hymn), Vastu Shanti Japa (Hymn in Pacification of Vastu), Ashta Dikpalaka Mantra (Hymn Invoking Guardians of Eight Directions) Chanting with 5-Priest Vastu Fire Lab to Overcome Vastu Afflictions & Improve Wealth Inflow and Poornahuthi on Dec. 2, 2023 at 6.30 am IST
  • Vigneshwara Pooja, Sankalpam, and Punyahavachanam (Pooja Seeking Blessings From Ganesha, Setting The Intent & Purifying The Space)
  • Kalasa Pooja (Pooja Invoking the Divine in a Sacred Pot)
  • Vastu Parivara Devata Avahanam with Dhyana, Navagraha Pooja, and Lokapala Pooja (Special Pooja Invoking Divine Guardian Through Meditative Prayer, 9 Planets Pooja, and Pooja to Guardians of Eight Directions)
  • Prana Prathishta (Enlivening the Deity) & Upachara (Sacred Offerings) Pooja
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva, Ambal & Bhooma Devi at Powerspot
  • Dhoop (Incense Sticks Lighting) and Deepa Nivedhyam (Lamp Lighting Offering) & Karpoora Niranjanam (Lighting Camphor as an Offering to the Divine)
  • Mantra Pushpam (Flower Offering While Chanting Sacred Hymn), Yadhasthanam (Placing Deity in its Designated Place) & Prokshanam (Sanctifying the Space with Energized Water)
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after entire set of rituals has been completed.

Purify Your Living Space Program