2 Grand Fire Labs | 2 Tarpanam (Ancestral Rituals)
Tri Pindi Shraddham Ancestral Ritual to 3 Generations Sacred Vedic Text Reading

Sacred Vedic Text Reading

Food Feeding | Cow Feeding | Donation

LIVE on Aug. 3, 2024 at 3:00 pm HDT
Aadi Amavasya
Aadi Amavasya




2 Grand Fire Labs | 2 Tarpanam (Ancestral Rituals)

Tri Pindi Shraddham Ancestral Ritual to 3 Generations

Sacred Vedic Text Reading

Food Feeding | Cow Feeding | Donation

LIVE on Aug. 3, 2024 at 3:00 pm HDT

“The majority of your thoughts come from your ancestors, and you can change them by honoring your connection with your ancestors. Every aspect of your life can be improved by looking at your relationship with your ancestors. There are only a few times when you can do this very successfully, and one such time is Aadi Amavasya.”

~ Dr. Pillai



Aadi Amavasya: Best Time to Pacify Your Ancestors & Seek Their Blessings for You and Your Future Generations

Aadi Amavasya, the New Moon in August, is one of the most important days to sponsor rituals for your ancestors as they descend to the earthplane to receive special offerings and prayers from their descendants that can liberate them and enable them to ascend to higher planes.
Dr. Pillai says it is challenging to progress in life without the blessings of your ancestors. Moreover, familial curses, negative thoughts, and obstacles to progress can be due to the bad karmic effects we inherit from our ancestral lineage.
Sponsoring rituals for them on this special New Moon Day can help them attain Moksha (Salvation), cross over successfully to become your greatest benefactors, and bless you and your future descendants with material wealth, well-being, good progeny, happiness, peace of mind, and flourishing relationships.
Aadi Amavasya 2024 : Blessings Filled New Moon of the Ancestors | AstroVed Astrologer Vijayalakshmi
To help you take advantage of this ancestral powertime, AstroVed has designed a special suite of services that will be performed by learned priests, which include sponsoring Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) at 2 prominent Salvation Powerspots, Special Ritual to appease 3 Generations of Ancestors, 2 Grand Fire Labs, Sacred Vedic Text reading, Food Feeding, Donation, and Cow Feeding rituals to help appease your ancestors, free them from their suffering, and invite their blessings to remove hardships in life, resolve problems, and restore your wealth and well-being.

Importance of Tarpanam Rituals on Aadi Amavasya

Tarpanam is a simple yet powerful act to change your destiny. It is a technique of satisfying your ancestors with prayers and sacred offerings and it can be done for seven generations of maternal and paternal ancestors. When satisfied, the ancestors will help clear negative tendencies and shortcomings and resolve problems in your life.
Our trained experts in Tarpanam will perform this ancestral ritual at two Renowned Salvation Powerspots—Kasi and Rameshwaram—hailed in the scriptures as sacred places for securing ‘Punya,’ the virtues of good deeds done in the past and the future, and possessing Divine power that supports the liberation of souls.
The ceremony will invoke the deities for Pitrus (Vasu, Rudra, and Aditya) by chanting sacred mantras, and they, in turn, will transport the food called ‘swadha’ to the ancestors, which pleases them greatly and gives them joy and helps them move to higher planes of light.

Astrological Significance of Aadi New Moon

  • According to Vishnu Dharma Shastra, the New Moon Day is the ideal time to offer prayers to your ancestors, as they have the power to elevate your status and bless you with success and endless fortune
  • Aadi Amavasya is the first New Moon that occurs when the Sun moves in the southward direction called Dakshinayan, and enters the zodiac sign Cancer, the first Moksha Trikona sign, symbolizing salvation from the material realm. Among the 4 Purusha Arthas, which are the goals of our human experience, Moksha is also called Vimoksha, Vimukti, and Mukti, which are liberation, release, and enlightenment
  • According to Garuda Puranam, Divine power sends our Pitrus to earth to stand by our side. The disturbances created by evil spirits and influences will be reduced, and the sins we commit, whether knowingly or unknowingly, will also be relieved if we perform Aadi Amavasya rituals
  • According to sacred texts, the Sun (Atma Karaka – represents the soul and father) and the Moon (Mano Karaka- represents the mind and mother) play an important role in determining ancestors’ blessings. Therefore, the Sun and Moon coming together in Cancer on Aadi New Moon day makes it an auspicious day for appeasing ancestors and performing rituals to relieve their suffering and liberate them
  • On the New Moon Day in the month of Aadi, the Sun and Moon will be in the Star Pushya (Star With the Power to Nourish). The energy of this star can help you accumulate good karma through charitable deeds and Poojas and makes it the ideal time to appease your ancestors and remove all obstacles that hinder you from attracting fortune and wealth


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing the below Aadi Amavasya Rituals on Aadi New Moon Day can bestow the below blessings

2 Fire Labs to Liberate Ancestral Souls, Mitigate Ancestral Curses & Grant Prosperity and Happiness

Thila Homa (Ancestral Affliction Pacifier Fire Lab) at Salvation Powerspot

Thila Homa (Ancestral Affliction Pacifier Fire Lab) at Salvation Powerspot

Thila Homa is a powerful Vedic ritual that uses ‘Til’ or sesame seeds to invite ancestral grace and blessings, to pacify their anger, grievances, and unmet needs, and help you overcome difficult life circumstances. According to Santana Dharma (Tenets of Eternal Duties & Righteous Conduct), performing ancestral rites to appease those who have died an unnatural death or those for whom it has not been performed at all can remove generation ancestral curses and invoke the benefic blessings of your forefathers for you and your descendants
  • Removes Pitru Dosha (Afflictions of Ancestors)
  • Gives favorable outcomes to land & property issues
  • Confers ancestral blessings & relief from malicious forces
  • Removes barriers & enhances growth and progress in business/career
  • Helps fulfill prayers
  • Grants family welfare, happiness & resolves disputes
  • Helps seek suitable life partner
  • Bestows boon of parenthood & enables family prosperity (Vamsa Vriddhi)
  • Enables Mukthi (Salvation) for ancestral souls
Karuppasamy Homa (Fire Lab Invoking Performer Archetype Activated on New Moon Days)

3-Priest Karuppasamy Homa (Fire Lab Invoking Performer Archetype Activated on New Moon Days)

Karuppasamy is revered as a protector archetype who upholds Dharma (Righteousness) and is hailed as ‘Kaaval Deivam’ (Guardian Deity) of villages to prevent the entry of evil spirits. He is especially active on New Moon Days, and his blessings can help bring Divine justice and quickly drive away dark forces, falsehood, and treachery that could be negatively impacting you

  • Shields against evil-eye, black magic & jealousy
  • Eradicates hardships & suffering
  • Materializes wishes & resolves problems quickly
  • Bestows success & prosperity
  • Safeguards health & wealth

LIVE on Aug. 3, 2024 at 3:00 pm HDT

2 Tarpanam (Ancestral Rituals) to Dissolve Karma & Remove Energy Blocks

Jeeva Karunya Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual to Pacify Departed Souls) at Thila Tharpanapuri

Jeeva Karunya Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual to Pacify Departed Souls) at Thila Tharpanapuri

Jeeva Karunya means compassion and mercy for all life forms. This Tarpanam is an ancestral offering to all departed souls, whether human or other living beings. It is performed to pacify the known and unknown souls of our ancestors, expressing gratitude to them, as well as the souls of pets

Thila Tharpanapuri comes from ‘Til,’ meaning gingelly, and ‘Tarpana,’ meaning performing Pitru Karma (Tributes to Ancestors). It is also known as Sethalapathy and is equivalent to the Holy Cities of Kasi or Rameswaram

According to sacred texts, anyone who dies accidentally at an early age will attain Swarga (Heaven) if their family/relatives perform rituals for them at this Powerspot

  • Helps liberate ancestral souls trapped on earthplane
  • Dissolves bad Karma, ancestral curses & sins
  • Wards off karmic afflictions
  • Helps overcome negative engines that block progress
  • Grants happiness
Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering) at Kasi

Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering) at Kasi

Aadi Amavasya is considered an auspicious day when the Divine forces bless the earth with their grace and answer prayers. Kasi (Gaya) is hailed in the earliest known scriptures as the most revered of all places, which can absolve all your sins and give Moksha (Salvation). According to the Garuda Purana, performing Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) at Kasi on Aadi Amavasya can bestow multifold blessings

  • Relieves ancestral suffering
  • Bestows Moksha (Salvation)
  • Absolves bad Karma
  • Confers merits of good deeds of the past
  • Enables peace & prosperity

Special Service to Repay Ancestral Debts, Protect Against Untimely Demise & Negate Bad Ancestral Karma

Tri Pindi Shraddham (Sacred Ancestral Ritual to 3 Generations With Sesame Offering) at Salvation Powerspot

Tri Pindi Shraddham is a powerful ritual in which Pinda Daan (Offerings With Seasame Seeds) are made to the departed souls of ancestors of three generations who have passed away without rites being performed for them or have unfulfilled desires or experienced an unnatural death. These adverse circumstances could prevent them from attaining salvation, leading to Pitru Dosha in the birth chart and adversely affecting your life circumstances.
Rameswaram is a sacred place for performing Shraddham to ancestors and is believed to be a ‘Mukti Kshetram’ (Place for Salvation). According to sacred texts, Sri Rama performed Shraddham for his father and ancestors of the Surya dynasty here.
  • Helps fulfill our duties & repay our debts toward ancestors
  • Reduces the effects of Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Affliction) in the birth chart
  • Protects against untimely/sudden death or accident of family members
  • Resolves problems related to relationships, career, children, finances & legal disputes
  • Removes bad Karma due to non-performance of Pitru (Ancestral) rituals
  • Pleases all Devas, Vishwadevas (Universal Gods), Pitru Devas (Vasu, Rudra & Aditya) & Sages

Sacred Vedic Text Reading to Absolve Worst Sins

Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha Reading (Sacred Vedic Text Reading to Absolve Worst Sins)

According to Srimad Bhagavatam, reading Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Vedic Text) on New Moon days can grant relief to ancestral souls and help them ascend to higher planes
  • Grants relief for a soul who has committed the worst sins

Food Feeding & Donation to Vedic Priests for Longevity, Health & Wealth

Food Feeding & Dakshina (Priest Honorarium) to 3 Vedic Priests

Food Feeding & Dakshina (Priest Honorarium) to Vedic Priests

According to traditional practices, feeding food to Brahmins (Revered as Representatives of the Divine) is a very significant ritual that can help receive the blessings of the Pitrus (Ancestors), and giving Dakshina is an indirect prayer to God and can invoke the following blessings
  • Helps receive the blessings of your Gurus
  • Grants relief from their curses in your previous births
  • Reduces the intensity of negative Karma
  • Bestows Ayur, Arogyam, and Aishwaryam (Longevity, Health & Wealth) blessings
  • Helps gain salvation

Cow Feeding Ritual to Grant Relief & Salvation To Ancestors

Cow Feeding

Cow Feeding

According to scriptures, Cow Feeding is a sacred act believed to be very auspicious. Feeding a cow on Aadi Amavasya can help bestow the grace and abundant blessings of the Divine
  • Helps appease ancestors & nullify Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Afflictions)
  • Empowers blessings of Goddess Lakshmi for prosperity & abundance
  • Grants relief from adverse effects of malefic planets
  • Resolves problems, relieves anxiety & stress
  • Gives peace & harmony in life
  • Confer auspiciousness & positive energy
  • Relieves from eternal cycle of death & rebirth



Advanced Package

Aadi Amavasya Advanced Package

Aadi Amavasya Advanced Package

US $ 297.00

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Aadi Amavasya Advanced Package to honor your ancestors and help them ascend from their current realms to higher planes through a suite of special services that include an Individual Fire Lab, a Fire Lab, a Scriptural Recitation, Cow Feeding, 9 Food Feeding, and Priest Honorarium, 2 Tarpanam, and a Special Service. Once satisfied, your ancestors become your greatest benefactors and bestow prosperity, well-being, and peace and remove Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Curses), Graha Dosha (Planetary Afflictions) or Shani Dosha (Saturn Afflictions) present in the birth chart.
  • Individual Karuppusamy Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha Reading (Sacred Vedic Text Reading to Absolve Worst Sins)
  • Thila Homa (Ancestral Affliction Pacifier Fire Lab) at Salvation Powerspot
  • Food Feeding & Dakshina (Priest Honorarium) to 9 Vedic Priests
  • Cow Feeding
  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering) on Aadi Amavasya Day at Kasi Powerspot
  • Jeeva Karunya Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual to Pacify Departed Souls) at Thila Tharpanapuri
  • Tri Pindi Shraddham (Sacred Ancestral Ritual to 3 Generations With Sesame Offering) at Salvation Powerspot

Enhanced Package

Aadi Amavasya Enhanced Package

Aadi Amavasya Enhanced Package

Select Your Payment Option

US $ 182.00
US $ 130.00

US $ 182.00

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Aadi Amavasya Enhanced Package to honor your ancestors on the New Moon of new beginnings through a suite of special services that include 2 Fire Labs, a Scriptural Recitation, Cow Feeding, 3 Food Feeding, and Priest Honorarium, 2 Tarpanam to provide targeted, intensive help to liberate your ancestors so they can be your greatest benefactors and bless you and your loved ones abundantly for good health, prosperity, abundance, and fulfilling relationships.
  • Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha Reading (Sacred Vedic Text Reading to Absolve Worst Sins)
  • Thila Homa (Fire Lab with Sesame Seeds for Ancestors) at Salvation Powerspot
  • 3-Priest Karuppuswamy Homa (Fire Lab for Immediate Relief from Hardships) on Aug. 4, 2024 at 5.30 am IST
  • Food Feeding & Dakshina (Priest Honorarium) to 3 Vedic Priests
  • Cow Feeding
  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering) on Aadi Amavasya Day at Kasi Powerspot
  • Jeeva Karunya Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual to Pacify Departed Souls) at Thila Tharpanapuri

Add On:

Join AstroVed’s Aadi Amavasya Tri Pindi Offering to honor your ancestors on Aadi Amavasya which helps relieve your ancestors of their pain, provides a smooth journey to higher realms, and enables you to seek forgiveness for your known/unknown sins committed.
  • Tri Pindi (Sacred Ancestral Ritual to 3 Generations With Sesame Offering) at Salvation Powerspot

Essential Package

Aadi Amavasya Essential Package

Aadi Amavasya Essential Package

Select Your Payment Option

US $ 133.00
US $ 61.00

US $ 133.00

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Aadi Amavasya Essential Package to honor your ancestors on Aadi Amavasya through a suite of special services that include a Scriptural Recitation, Cow Feeding, Food Feeding, and Priest Honorarium, and Tarpanam which helps relieve your ancestors of their pain, provides a smooth journey to higher realms, and enables you to seek forgiveness for your known/unknown sins committed.
  • Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha Reading (Sacred Vedic Text Reading to Absolve Worst Sins)
  • Food Feeding & Dakshina (Priest Honorarium) to Vedic Priest
  • Cow Feeding
  • Tarpanam on Aadi Amavasya Day at Kasi Powerspot

Add On:

Join AstroVed’s Aadi Amavasya Essential Package to honor your ancestors on Aadi Amavasya through a suite of special services that include a Special Service, Scriptural Recitation, Cow Feeding, Food Feeding, and Priest Honorarium, and Tarpanam which helps relieve your ancestors of their pain, provides a smooth journey to higher realms, and enables you to seek forgiveness for your known/unknown sins committed.
  • Tri Pindi Shraddham (Sacred Ancestral Ritual to 3 Generations With Sesame Offering) at Salvation Powerspot


Feeding the Poor and Needy

Feeding the Poor and Needy

Select Your Payment Option

US $ 162.00
US $ 81.00
US $ 41.00

US $ 162.00

Package Description

According to the scriptures, donating food to the needy can attract positive energy. Donating food is the greatest charity, and performing this virtuous act on Aadi Amavasya can help resolve your life problems and grant success in all aspects of life.
Individual Karuppasamy Homa

Individual Karuppasamy Homa

US $ 154.00

Package Description

Book your Individual Fire Lab that invokes the blessings of the archetype Karuppasamy, who is a powerful combination of four archetypes, namely, Kala Bhairava, Narasimha, Veerabhadra, and Rudra. The blessings of Karuppasamy can bring Divine justice and quickly drive away dark forces, falsehood, and treachery.

Karuppasamy can resolve those problems that most often plague human beings in their desire and need for financial stability and success, relationships, children, employment, career, resolution of disputes, and anything else relating to the myriad conditions affecting human life.

Individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala Powerspot

Individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala Powerspot

US $ 508.00

Package Description

Book your individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala Powerspot on Aadi Amavasya day. Performing Maha Tarpanam for your ancestors in Kerala on the day of Aadi Amavasya can help elevate the souls of your ancestors and bring you their blessings to start anew with abundant health, wealth, and loving relationships.

Cow Donation Program

Cow Donation Program

US $ 1250.00

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Cow Donation Program on the auspicious Aadi Amavasya, the ideal time to attain the blessings of the sacred cow, which can help you across three kinds of hells and the treacherous River Vaitharini, to attain salvation, grant relief from planetary afflictions, overcome enemy actions and threats, banish obstacles to business and career growth, and help mitigate the malefic effects of Sade Sati (7 ½-year period of Saturn), Ashtama Shani (Saturn in the 8th House) & Artha Ashtama Shani (Saturn in the 4th House), Rahu-Ketu afflictions in the birth chart.
1-Year Tarpanam Program

1-Year Tarpanam Program

Select Your Payment Option

US $ 4299.00
US $ 359.00
US $ 1520.00
US $ 127.00
US $ 1079.00
US $ 90.00
US $ 868.00
US $ 72.00

US $ 4299.00

Package Description

Book your 1-Year Tarpanam Program on Aadi Amavasya. Tarpanam is the essential ritual to resolve every kind of problem, and it is the greatest act you can do to help liberate your ancestors and help free your children from problems created by negative ancestral influences. Participate in our 1-Year Tarpanam Program at Kasi, Rameshwaram, Thila Tharpanapuri, and special Kerala Powerspot to resolve your bad ancestral Karma and help you gain their blessings throughout the year.

Under the guidance of Dr. Pillai, AstroVed has introduced an Exclusive Package for Daily Tarpanam rituals to our 1 Year Tarpanam Program to provide targeted, intensive help to liberate your ancestors so they can be your greatest benefactors and bless you abundantly for good health, prosperity, abundance, and fulfilling relationships.

Aadi Amavasya 2024