8-Month Program to Invoke 8 Fierce Forms of Shiva During His 8th Waning Moon Powertime

105 Monthly Rituals To Remove Obstacles, Gain Mastery Over Time, Manifest Your Material Goals & Attain Fame, Power & Status
Grand Monthly Ashta Bhairava Homa with Kala Bhairava Ashtakam Chanting & Ashtadravyam
(Fire Lab to Bhairava of the Month with Sacred Hymn Chanting & Eight Sacred Offerings)
8 Individual Fire Labs | 8 Powerspot Poojas | 8 Sacred Hymn Chanting
24 Special Poojas | 16 Tarpanam (Ancestral Blessings Ritual)
8 Sacred Offerings | 24 Special Services | 8 Dog Feeding | Mantra Writing
LIVE on Jul. 28, 2024 at 1:30 am HDT
Ashta Bhairava Invocation
“Bhairava means the principle of creation, maintenance, and dissolution. He is the totality of time – the beginning, the middle, and the end. Bhairava is Shiva himself, who gives the supreme understanding of all possibilities of human consciousness. It is related to time because the faster time moves, the faster the mind moves. It should be incredibly fast, and Bhairava instantly manifests things for you.”
~ Dr. Pillai



Super Grand Ashta Bhairava Invocation: 8X Blessings of Shiva’s 8 Supreme Forms

Bhairava is a fierce manifestation of Shiva, whom scriptures hail as the Lord of the Universe, Fulfiller of Desires, Destroyer of Injustice, and Giver of All Prosperity. According to the sacred text Rudrayamala, there are 8 Protector Forms of Bhairava guarding the eight directions of the Universe called ‘Ashta Bhairava.’ They are governed by Kala Bhairava (Supreme Ruler of Time) and can eradicate fears, obstacles to wealth accumulation, and internal and external negativities preventing your progress and granting prosperity, power, position, and personal and professional progress.

AstroVed will perform a Grand Invocation for Ashta Bhairava for 8 months in which one form of Bhairava will be venerated each month with a Grand Fire Lab on the most auspicious day (Ashtami, which is 8th Waning Moon) and supported by 97 Special Poojas, including Powerspot Poojas, Sacred Hymn Chanting, Flower Offering Pooja, Special Services, Tarpanam, and Dog Feeding.
Super Grand Ashta Bhairava Invocation: 8X Blessings of Shiva’s 8 Supreme Forms
Collectively, these eight powerful forms possess immense powers to help swiftly resolve problems, bestow instant manifestations, grant mastery over time, enable you to utilize opportunities for career/business growth, remove threats of enemies, fears, and the malefic effects of planets, sins, and afflictions, and grant overall well-being.

Multifold Blessings of Eight Bhairava Invocation with Fire Lab, Sacred Hymn Chanting & Sacred Offerings

Expert Vedic priests will perform a Grand Fire Lab to invoke each of the Eight Forms of Bhairava along with chanting the Octet in Praise of the Eight Bhairavas and offering Ashtadravyam (8 Sacred Offerings). As per Ashta Bhairava Moola (Root) Mantra, the eight forms of Bhairava can bestow the following blessings upon you:
  • Asitanga Bhairava (Affliction Resolving Bhairava)– Removes curses and afflictions, boosts creative abilities & helps speed up manifestation of goals
  • Ruru Bhairava (Power Bestowing Bhairava)– Bestows power to attract and rule others, grants fame, status, and prosperity
  • Chanda Bhairava (Success & Invincible Energy Bestowing Bhairava)– Boosts self-confidence, drive, and passion, bestows success in endeavors & helps win over enemies and competitors
  • Krotha Bhairava (Obstacle Removing Bhairava)– Removes obstacles in life, enables effective decision-making & strengthens willpower to overcome challenges
  • Unmatha Bhairava (Career/Business Boosting Bhairava)– Grants opportunities for growth and progress in your career/ business, bestows eloquent speech, removes limiting thoughts and scarcity mindset
  • Kapala Bhairava (Wealth Attracting Bhairava)– Creates wealth abundance, helps you utilize time wisely & removes lethargy and unproductive actions
  • Beeshana Bhairava (Fear Diffusing Bhairava)– Protects from evil eye, spirits, negative influences & helps overcome fears
  • Samhara Bhairava (Karma Cleansing Bhairava)– Reduces the impact of past bad karmic deeds, sins, and curses & helps realize dreams
According to scriptures, offering eight sacred ingredients in the Ashta Bhairava Fire Lab can fulfill your prayers by invoking specific blessings.
  • Kungiliyam (Sacred Herb)– Removes fear and invokes protection
  • Variety of Mixed Herbs– Eliminates timidity and shyness and boosts confidence
  • Black Peppercorns– Helps overcome enemies
  • Dried Red Chilies– Helps you enjoy power and authority and subdues the effects of negative energy
  • Pumpkins– Called Devatha Dravyam (Must-have sacred ingredient of the deity), it can help overcome internal and external enemies
  • Indian Nettle Twigs– Used to create the Homa fire and helps intensify the powers and blessings of Bhairava
  • Ghee– Elevates your sense of well-being, cleanses your aura of negativity, and carries your prayers to Agni (God of Fire)
  • Black Urad Dhal Soaked in Curd– Primary food offering that removes sins and bad karma


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing these sacred Ashta Bhairava Homa & Poojas to the eight forms of Bhairava can bestow their immense blessings

16 Grand Ashta Bhairava Fire Labs & 8 Sacred Hymns Chanting
To Resolve Affliction, Protect Against Curses, Dissolve Bad Karma & Grant Prosperity

Coupon Precentage
3-Priest Asitanga Bhairava Fire Lab for Affliction Resolution

3-Priest Asitanga Bhairava Fire Lab for Affliction Resolution

Asitanga Bhairava is hailed as the presiding deity of the East, the direction which rules over intellect, health, wealth, and joy. He is depicted with his consort, Goddess Brahmi, and riding his Vahan (Divine Vehicle), the Swan
  • Helps overcome curses, afflictions & evil forces
  • Empowers creative instincts & relieves stress
  • Grants victory in ventures & bestows health

LIVE on Apr. 1, 2024 at 3:00 am HDT

Coupon Precentage
3-Priest Ruru Bhairava Fire Lab for Power, Influence & to Conquer Enemies

3-Priest Ruru Bhairava Fire Lab for Power, Influence & to Conquer Enemies

Ruru Bhairava is revered as a Divine Preceptor or teacher. He is also the presiding deity of the South-East, the direction that indicates all aspects of health. Goddess Maheshwari is his consort, and he rides the Vahan (Divine Vehicle), Vrishaba (an Ox)
  • Bestows influence over people & conquers enemies
  • Enlightens path to accomplishment, prosperity & growth
  • Empowers charisma, harmony & concord

LIVE on May. 1, 2024 at 4:30 am HDT

Coupon Precentage
3-Priest Chanda Bhairava Fire Lab to Attract Success & Bestow Powerful Protection

3-Priest Chanda Bhairava Fire Lab to Attract Success & Bestow Powerful Protection

Chanda Bhairava is the ruler of the South direction, which stands for courage and accomplishment and is portrayed with his consort, Goddess Kaumari, and his Vahan, the Peacock
  • Bestows self-confidence & helps thwart enemies and competitors
  • Grants energy to accomplish desires & professional development
  • Gives triumph in endeavors

LIVE on Jun. 28, 2024 at 4:00 am HDT

3-Priest Krotha Bhairava Fire Lab to Maximize Potential & Decision-Making

3-Priest Krotha Bhairava Fire Lab to Maximize Potential & Decision-Making

Krotha Bhairava is the controller of the South-West direction, the energy of which influences the consequences of bad karma. He is seen with his consort, Goddess Vaishnavi, and riding Garuda as his Vahan
  • Removes obstacles in life
  • Helps gain clarity to make crucial decisions
  • Confers courage to attain progress, luck & prosperity

LIVE on Jul. 28, 2024 at 1:30 am HDT

3-Priest Unmatha Bhairava Fire Lab For Eloquence & Control Over Negative Traits

3-Priest Unmatha Bhairava Fire Lab For Eloquence & Control Over Negative Traits

Unmatha Bhairava is the presiding deity of the West, which influences success, mental health, and fame. Unmatha Bhairava’s consort is Goddess Varahi, and he rides the Horse as his Divine Vehicle
  • Grants growth & progress in your career/ business
  • Empowers eloquence & oratorical ability
  • Eradicates negative traits of ego & arrogance

LIVE on Aug. 26, 2024 at 4:30 am HDT

3-Priest Kapala Bhairava Fire Lab To End Unproductive Actions & Paths

3-Priest Kapala Bhairava Fire Lab To End Unproductive Actions & Paths

Kapala Bhairava is the ruler of the North-West, which indicates your relationships with friends, relatives, and loved ones. Goddess Indrani is his consort, and his Divine vehicle is the Elephant
  • Ends unproductive & unrewarding work and action
  • Bestows wealth, abundance & prosperity
  • Brings victory in ventures

LIVE on Sep. 24, 2024 at 4:30 am HDT

3-Priest Beeshana Bhairava Fire Lab to Protect Against Fear & Harm

3-Priest Beeshana Bhairava Fire Lab to Protect Against Fear & Harm

Beeshana Bhairava is the controller of the North, the direction of prosperity and riches. He is depicted with his consort, Goddess Chamundi, and his Divine vehicle, the Lion
  • Destroys demonic forces, evil spirits & negative energies
  • Enables professional growth & success in business
  • Grants name, fame & education

LIVE on Oct. 24, 2024 at 3:00 am HDT

3-Priest Samhara Bhairava Fire Lab to Dissolve Bad Karma & Dispel Evil Forces

3-Priest Samhara Bhairava Fire Lab to Dissolve Bad Karma & Dispel Evil Forces

Samhara Bhairava is the ruler of the North-East, which influences wisdom and spiritual orientation. Samhara Bhairava’s consort is Goddess Chandi, and his Divine vehicle is the Dog
  • Helps clear bad karma
  • Dispels evil forces & dissolves sins
  • Provides stability & helps move forward in life

LIVE on Nov. 22, 2024

Individual Asitanga Bhairava Fire Lab* (Once)

  • Facilitates removal of curses, afflictions & bad energies
  • Encourages creative inclinations
  • Helps with achieving objectives & revitalizes health

Individual Ruru Bhairava Fire Lab* (Once)

  • Amplifies influence over people & vanquishes enemies
  • Confers academic achievement, power & wisdom
  • Empowers charisma, harmony & unity

Individual Chanda Bhairava Fire Lab* (Once)

  • Awards self-esteem & strength to overcome enemies
  • Enables professional development
  • Brings confidence & success in pursuits

Individual Krodha Bhairava Fire Lab* (Once)

  • Provides courage to achieve progress in business/career
  • Grants power to take swift action & curbs negative qualities
  • Improves ability to make choices & removes misfortune

Individual Unmatha Bhairava Fire Lab* (Once)

  • Grants self-realization, discipline & clarity of thought
  • Eradicates undesirable egoistic & arrogant tendencies
  • Increases bonding in familial & friendly relationships

Individual Kapala Bhairava Fire Lab* (Once)

  • Eliminates fruitless & unrewarding efforts
  • Bestows prosperity, affluence & accomplishments
  • Empowers achievement in pursuits & provides stability

Individual Beeshana Bhairava Fire Lab* (Once)

  • Combats evil forces, malevolent spirits & negative energy
  • Removes fear, dissolution & hurdles
  • Empowers confidence, strength, fame & name

Individual Samhara Bhairava Fire Lab* (Once)

  • Helps eliminate negative karma & alleviates its repercussions
  • Provides good fortune & promotes progress
  • Absolves sins & removes afflictions
*Part of Advanced Package

Kala Bhairava Ashtakam (Octet in Praise of Bhairava) Chanting (Once Per Month)

The great Sage Adi Shankaracharya wrote Kala Bhairava Ashtakam in praise of Kala Bhairava, the Guardian of Varanasi. This sacred hymn consists of eight verses, extolling the magnificence and miraculous blessings of Kala Bhairava
In this hymn, he is venerated as Devamaksharam Niramayam (He Who is Deathless & The First God), Bhukthi Mukthi Dayakam (Bestower of Worldly Pleasures & Salvation), Dharma Marga Nasakam (Destroyer of Paths Leading to Evil & Injustice) and Karma Pasa Mochakam (He Who Liberates From Bonds of Karma)
This sacred hymn will be chanted before the Fire Labs and can bestow the following blessings:
  • Grants relief from Shoka (Grief), Moha (Attachment & Delusion), Dainya (Poverty or The Lack of), Lobha (Greed), Kopa (Irritability & Anger) & Tapa (Suffering)
  • Frees from consequences of sins & bad karma and the fear of death
  • Helps reduce malefic effects of Rahu, Ketu & Saturn Dosha (Afflictions)
  • Supports overcoming impact of dark magic
  • Protects against foes & adversaries
  • Gives good health, affluence & joy
  • Prevents difficulties & hazards in life
  • Grants salvation

8 Powerspot Poojas to Ashta Bhairava to Safeguard From Evil, Win Litigation, and Eliminate Negativity & Sins

Archana (Pooja) to Asitanga Bhairava at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot (First Month)

Archana (Pooja) to Asitanga Bhairava at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot (First Month)

  • Resolves litigation problems & fulfills wishes
  • Helps overcome adversity
  • Safeguards from evil entities, negative forces & problems
  • Absolves sins
Archana (Pooja) to Ruru Bhairava at Nagapattinam Powerspot (Second Month)

Archana (Pooja) to Ruru Bhairava at Nagapattinam Powerspot (Second Month)

  • Bestows power & influence
  • Helps instill charisma & hold sway over others
  • Grants strength to overcome enemies
Archana (Pooja) to Chanda Bhairava at Nagapattinam Powerspot (Third Month)

Archana (Pooja) to Chanda Bhairava at Nagapattinam Powerspot (Third Month)

  • Helps attain victory over competitors
  • Shatters threats of rivals & enemy actions
  • Grants energy, vitality & confidence
  • Brings fruition to efforts & endeavors
Archana (Pooja) to Krotha Bhairava at Tanjore Powerspot (Fourth Month)

Archana (Pooja) to Krotha Bhairava at Tanjore Powerspot (Fourth Month)

  • Helps optimize potential
  • Empowers clarity of thought
  • Helps make the right decision at the right time
Archana (Pooja) to Unmatha Bhairava at Tiruvarur Powerspot (Fifth Month)

Archana (Pooja) to Unmatha Bhairava at Tiruvarur Powerspot (Fifth Month)

  • Helps control negative traits like greed, ego & pride
  • Bestows strong control over self & expressions
  • Confers excellent articulation skills & eloquent speech
Archana (Pooja) to Kapala Bhairava at Tanjore Powerspot (Sixth Month)

Archana (Pooja) to Kapala Bhairava at Tanjore Powerspot (Sixth Month)

  • Rewards hard work & conscientious efforts
  • Provides success in ventures
Archana (Pooja) to Beeshana Bhairava at Sivaganga Powerspot (Seventh Month)

Archana (Pooja) to Beeshana Bhairava at Sivaganga Powerspot (Seventh Month)

  • Absolves internal & external negativities
  • Wards off evil forces & spirits
  • Destroys malicious energy
Archana (Pooja) to Samhara Bhairava at Sivaganga Powerspot (Eighth Month)

Archana (Pooja) to Samhara Bhairava at Sivaganga Powerspot (Eighth Month)

  • Relieves people of their karmic bondage
  • Dissolves malefic impact of sins

24 Special Poojas to Help Manage Time Effectively, Grant Physical and Mental Well-Being & Safeguard Against Harm & Danger

Kala Bhairava Yantra Pooja (Twice Per Month)

Performing this special Pooja to Kala Bhairava Yantra, the power tool of archetype Kala Bhairava, which can strengthen and protect you and help you deepen your meditations and connection with the Lord of Time
  • Improves your ability to multitask efficiently
  • Relieves debts & enhances time-management skills
  • Gives material & spiritual prosperity
  • Bestows stability, peace & harmony in life

Easwara Pooja for Bhairava at Kerala Powerspot (Once Per Month)

Performing Easwara Pooja, where Kala Bhairava is invoked as Shiva, can bless you with his Divine protection, overpower fear of death, and safeguard you from untimely accidents
  • Eliminates negativity, evil eye, hostile forces
  • Boosts mental & physical well-being
  • Enables spiritual upliftment

40 Special Services to Grant Ancestral Blessings, Relationship Bliss & Financial Stability

Guruti Tarpanam for Bhairava at Kerala Powerspot (Once Per Month)

Guruti Tarpanam for Bhairava at Powerspot (Once Per Month)

A Kerala-style special ritual where Kum-Kum (Red Vermilion Powder) mixed with water (symbolizing blood) is offered to Bhairava. In addition, a tender coconut cut at the bottom is kept in an inverted position, and Cheti (Jungle Geranium) flowers are offered to Bhairava while chanting special mantras
  • Helps you win over enemies
  • Removes suffering caused by enemies
  • Grants relief from poor health
  • Resolves delay in meeting a good life partner
  • Protects welfare of children
Ashtami Day (8th Waning Moon) Tarpanam to Ancestors & KalkazhiKichu Ootu (Feet Cleansing Ceremony & Feeding Vedic Priests) (Once Per Month)

Ashtami Day (8th Waning Moon) Tarpanam to Ancestors & KalkazhiKichu Ootu (Feet Cleansing Ceremony & Feeding Vedic Priests) (Once Per Month)

Offering Tarpanam to ancestors and honoring and feeding Vedic Brahmins after Kalkazhikichu Ootu can appease your ancestors, absolve your sins, and bless you with Ayur, Arogyam, and Aishwaryam (Longevity, Health, and Wealth blessings)
  • Helps resolve problems
  • Liberates your ancestors
  • Removes problems created by negative ancestral influences for your children
Ghee Lamp Lighting for Kala Bhairava at Powerspot (Once Per Month)

Ghee Lamp Lighting for Kala Bhairava at Powerspot (Once Per Month)

‘Ghee Lamp’ is the favorite light offering for Bhairava. Lighting ghee lamps are believed to please him and fulfill your wishes
  • Bestows positive vibrations
  • Purifies the environment from negative energy
Mutturakal (Coconut Smashing) for Kala Bhairava (Once Per Month)

Mutturakal (Coconut Smashing) for Kala Bhairava (Once Per Month)

Special Kerala-style coconut-breaking ritual to get rid of negativity and evil eye (Drishti Muttu), physical health conditions (Deha Muttu), and career obstacles (Karma Muttu)
  • Removes impediments to new opportunities & career growth
  • Destroys ill-intentions of enemies & hostile forces
  • Ensures efforts yield results
  • Helps provide financial stability
  • Eliminates obstacles to good health
Shatrusamhara Pushpanjali (Flower Offering to Annihilate Threats of Enemies) at Powerspot (Once Per Month)

Shatrusamhara Pushpanjali (Flower Offering to Annihilate Threats of Enemies) at Powerspot (Once Per Month)

‘Shatru’ means ‘enemy’ and ‘Samharam’ means ‘destruction’. This flower offering to Bhairava is a powerful Vedic ritual performed to invoke the Divine for protection from enemies and known and unknown danger
  • Grants victory over adversaries
  • Eliminates evil intentions & grants success

Dog Feeding (Once Per Month)

Dog Feeding (Once Per Month)

The Dog is the vehicle of Kala Bhairava. Feeding dogs and taking care of them on Kala Bhairava’s birthday is believed to bestow the following blessings

  • Dissolves sins
  • Helps gain the protection of Kala Bhairava

Proxy Mantra Writing (1008 Times)

Proxy Mantra Writing (1008 Times)

Kala Bhairava Mantra, Om Kala Bhairavaya Namah, is a powerful set of syllables possessing Divine vibrations. This mantra can help you connect with Bhairava and bestow his boundless grace and blessings

  • Helps uplift you spiritually & mentally
  • Instills the confidence to overcome impediments



Individual Package

Super Grand Ashta Bhairava Invocation Monthly Individual Package

Super Grand Ashta Bhairava Invocation Monthly Individual Package

US $ 184.00

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Super Grand Ashta Bhairava Invocation Monthly Individual Package to propitiate Ashta Bhairava with a host of services, which include a Fire Lab with a Sacred Hymn Chanting, 1 Powerspot Pooja, 2 Special Poojas, 2 Special Services, which provides courage to achieve progress in business/career, grants power to take swift action and curbs negative qualities, and improves ability to make choices and removes misfortune.
  • Individual Krodha Bhairava Fire Lab* (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Kala Bhairava Ashtakam (Octet in Praise of Bhairava) Chanting (Once)
  • Archana (Pooja) to Krotha Bhairava at Tanjore Powerspot (Fourth Month)
  • Kala Bhairava Yantra Pooja (Twice)
  • Individual Shatrusamhara Pushpanjali (Flower Offering to Annihilate Threats of Enemies) at Powerspot
  • Individual Guruti Tarpanam for Bhairava at Powerspot
  • Complimentary Product: Energized Black Thread
What Will I Receive?

You will receive sacred grey ash from the Homa, Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder) and energized product blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Please Note:

We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the Powerspot Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Group Package

Super Grand Ashta Bhairava Invocation Monthly Group Package

Super Grand Ashta Bhairava Invocation Monthly Group Package

US $ 63.00

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Super Grand Ashta Bhairava Invocation Monthly Group Package to propitiate Ashta Bhairava with a host of services, which include a Fire Lab with a Sacred Hymn Chanting, 1 Powerspot Pooja, 2 Special Poojas, 2 Special Services, to help swiftly resolve problems, bestow instant manifestations, grant mastery over time, enable you to utilize opportunities for career/business growth, remove threats of enemies, fears, and the malefic effects of planets, sins, and afflictions, and grant overall well-being.
  • Kala Bhairava Ashtakam (Octet in Praise of Bhairava) Chanting (Once)
  • 3-Priest Krotha Bhairava Fire Lab to Maximize Potential & Decision-Making on Jul. 28, 2024 at 4:00 pm IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Krotha Bhairava at Tanjore Powerspot (Fourth Month)
  • Kala Bhairava Yantra Pooja (Twice)
  • Shatrusamhara Pushpanjali (Flower Offering to Annihilate Threats of Enemies) at Powerspot
  • Guruti Tarpanam for Bhairava at Powerspot
  • Complimentary Product: Energized Black Thread
What Will I Receive?

You will receive sacred grey ash from the Homa, Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder) and energized product blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Please Note:

We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the Powerspot Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Super Grand Ashta Bhairava Invocation