Donatella Riback

Donatella Riback

Vedic Astrology, DNA


11 years of exp

call price $ 2/Min call price $ /Min


464 mins

Donatella  Riback

Expertise : Vedic Astrology, DNA

Language : English

Experience : 11 years

call price $ 2/Min call price $ /Min

346 mins



About Astrologer

Donatella Riback (Lalitha Varahi) lives in New York, USA, and is a Vedic astrologer, Pillai Center teacher, and licensed spiritual coach.

She helps people attract wealth, happiness, and well-being through the Vedic arts and sciences.

Lalitha has graduated from the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science from both Level I and Level II and holds an advanced certification in Vedic astrology (B.A.).

Additionally, Lalitha has studied and graduated from the Advanced DNA Astrology courses at AstroVed.

She's also a certified yoga teacher since 2004.

She's a contributor to The Astrological eMagazine (founded by the grandfather of a legendary Vedic astrologer, Dr. B. V. Raman) where she writes articles on Jyotish or Vedic astrology.

She has authored a successful book on Vedic astrology, Bliss Lab: How the Ancient Yogis Acquired Supernormal Powers and How You Can Too, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores.

Earlier, Lalitha studied at the University of Foreign Languages and Literature in Bergamo, Italy; she worked as a freelance journalist; then as an executive in cultural affairs for the Italian Consulate General in Chicago, USA; in the 1990s as a public relations executive in Chicago.





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