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Alka Malik

595 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

English, Hindi

16 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Astro Guru

523 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

English, Hindi

10 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Brahmashri Pradeep Bhanot

378 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...


16 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Nataraj K

309 orders

Vedic Astrology, Nadi,...

English, Tamil

27 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Geetu Chatterjee

523 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

English, Hindi

6 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Krishnan Kurunthappan

683 orders

Vedic Astrology, KP As...

English, Tamil, Hindi

11 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Vasanth Mohan

684 orders

Vedic Astrology

English, Tamil

5 years of exp

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Santhi Karunna

536 orders

Vedic Astrology

English, Tamil, Hindi,...

8 years of exp

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Sumathi P

266 orders

Vedic Astrology, Nadi


8 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Yogham Gayathri

495 orders

Vedic Astrology, Numer...


10 years of exp

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Venkatesh Bhat

101 orders

Vedic Astrology, Gemol...

English, Hindi, Kannad...

5 years of exp

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Murali Mohana Sharma

660 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

English, Hindi, Kannad...

25 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Saket Agarwal

279 orders

Vedic Astrology, Numer...

English, Hindi, Gujara...

15 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Mehala S S

505 orders

Vedic Astrology, Numer...

English, Tamil

5 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Mahadevan S

188 orders

Prasanna, Choli Prasan...

English, Tamil

7 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Pravesh Kumar

125 orders

Vedic Astrology, Tarot...

English, Hindi

6 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Namrata S

299 orders

Vedic Astrology, Numer...

English, Hindi

21 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Bala Murugan

513 orders

Vedic Astrology, Tarot...

English, Tamil

3 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Balasubramaniam Radhakrishanan

139 orders

Vedic Astrology, Nadi,...

English, Tamil, Hindi

10 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Sankhlecha Deepak Gautam

386 orders

Vedic Astrology, Prash...

English, Hindi, Gujara...

7 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Brijgautam Gautam

224 orders

Vedic Astrology

English, Hindi

20 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Wendell H Hayes

307 orders

Vedic Astrology, Caree...


8 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Balachandra Vignesh  J

674 orders

Vedic Astrology, Numer...

English, Tamil

4 years of exp

$ 2/Min FREE!

Astro Vedant

542 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

English, Hindi, Gujara...

17 years of exp

$ 3/Min

Rajasekar M

558 orders



13 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Astrologer in UAE

Astrologer in UAE

About AstroVed Speaks

'AstroVed Speaks,' is an initiative of AstroVed, that brings together some of the specialists in the astrological field from all over the world and offers them a platform to make their services available to people who are in need of help to handle various problems in life. Our members can avail the benefit of this service by just logging in and placing a call to the astrologer of their choice.

UAE, or the United Arab Emirates, is a federation of 7 emirates and is located in Western Asia. AstroVed Speaks has now taken its celebrated predictive system that is based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology to this land too, whose official religion is Islam.

Consult Best Indian Astrologers in UAE Online Through Phone/Computer

There may not be anyone who would not have faced some difficulty or other in some stage of life. It could be related to anything - love, money, business, career, or health. It is only when you feel low due to problems, you need strong and genuine support. AstroVed Speaks offers just that to you through their famous astrologers in UAE. With their expertise in Vedic Astrology, our best astrologers in UAE can help you tackle problems and sort out issues with their accurate analysis and predictions. AstroVed Speaks is an online platform where you can contact the best Indian astrologers in UAE instantly on your phone or through a computer and avail of a live consultation. No need for you to book any prior appointment in this regard. While you can choose the astrologer who suits your requirement from the panel, based on particulars like their experience, expertise, reviews, rate, etc. as given in his or her profile, there are also reputed Numerologists, Tarot Card Readers, Vaastu, and Feng Shui experts available in AstroVed Speaks for your consultation. Once you identify the expert, you can hit the call button to connect with the famous astrologer in UAE online, instantly and round the clock, subject to his or her availability.

By analyzing your horoscope, that is, the birth chart, our best online astrologers in UAE, can help you understand things like – the reason behind your current situation, which planets are strong and weak, and what you can do to overcome the current difficulty and make your life better. With their years of rich experience and expertise, our best Indian astrologers in UAE can be consulted LIVE from the comfort of your home on call, in complete confidentiality. Do not hesitate to talk to such famous astrologers in UAE and find answers to your pressing questions immediately.

Best Astrologers in UAE

Talk With the Famous Indian Astrologers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

For the tradition-loving Indians staying in UAE and wishing to consult reputed Indian astrologers, here is AstroVed Speaks, providing them with a golden opportunity in that country itself. Thanks to that astrological platform, you can talk to some of the best Indian astrologers in UAE online from the privacy of your homes. All you need to do for this is visit the AstroVed Speaks website, run through our panel of famous astrologers in UAE and their profiles, and pick your preferred astrologer for consultation, online. In addition, you also have the choice of language in which you can interact with them as these astrologers can speak many Indian languages. You can thus pose your questions, explain your concerns to them comfortably and get instant answers to your satisfaction. You can also be assured that your conversation will be fully confidential, and so you can open your heart out and seek relief and solutions for your life's problems from our best astrologers in UAE.

These online astrologers are also available at pocket-friendly rates, and their personalized service is there for you, whatever is the subject of your consultation, such as -

Career Prospects – Thanks to the best astrologers in UAE made available to you by AstroVed Speaks, you can learn all about your vocation, employment, professional or business field, career path, and growth, progression, success, and impediments. All these can be available to you merely by the click of the 'Call' button.

Finance – Finance is an aspect that plays a crucial role at all stages of anyone's life. Knowing its significance, AstroVed Speaks' famous astrologers in UAE attach much importance to it in their predictions and guide people about their economic strength, prosperity, and possible difficulties in life.

Marriage and Progeny Blessing – Marriage can be a watershed moment in anybody's life when people start a new phase in their lives. The best Indian astrologers in UAE can advise and guide people on all marriage-related issues like - whether a person's marriage is likely to be an arranged one or a love marriage, the personality and characteristics of the life partner, how long, cordial, and happy can the marital relationship be, etc. They may also throw insights on the children that the couple may beget and their lives in general.

Other aspects including Yogas, Doshas in the horoscope – Life's all other aspects like health, education, longevity, etc. along with the Yogas, the fortunate formations in the horoscope and the Doshas, the afflictions will also be predicted by such good astrologers in UAE, providing customers with timely guidance, hope, and caution, for their benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What else can the customer hope for, apart from future predictions, from the astrologers?

'AstroVed Speaks' best astrologers in UAE can analyze a person's horoscope and provide predictions for the future covering all significant aspects of life, apart from replying to their queries and clarifying their doubts. These famous astrologers in UAE can highlight the positive developments in life and caution about the negativities, reverses, or dangers, if any. Such best Indian astrologers in UAE can also provide solutions to problems, which can include remedies in the form of temple visits, worships, or rituals.

Is it possible to cast the horoscope when the date and time of birth are not available?

Birth details like the date, time, and place of birth are essential for drawing a person's birth chart and making predictions. However, Prashna Shastra or Horary Astrology, a branch in astrology, can operate without the birth details and provide answers to questions with great accuracy. Besides, AstroVed Speaks' expert astrologers in UAE can also do the birth chart rectification, based on other details provided by the person, and arrive at his or her precise date and time of birth.

How quickly can the astrologers prepare the birth chart and provide consultations?

AstroVed Speaks uses a highly reputed astrology software, which can make the horoscope accurately at the click of a computer mouse. Once the birth chart is so prepared, our expert astrologers with years of experience in the field can make calculations based on the horoscopic structure and placement of planets therein, analyze it, and provide consultations and predictions without any loss of time.

Feel free to consult our astrologers from anywhere in UAE and get predictions, advice, and guidance for relief from problems and a successful, happy, and peaceful life ahead.