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Alka Malik

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Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

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16 years of exp

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Astro Guru

700 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

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10 years of exp

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Brahmashri Pradeep Bhanot

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Vedic Astrology, Vaast...


16 years of exp

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Geetu Chatterjee

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Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

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6 years of exp

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Krishnan Kurunthappan

181 orders

Vedic Astrology, KP As...

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11 years of exp

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Vasanth Mohan

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Vedic Astrology

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5 years of exp

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Santhi Karunna

303 orders

Vedic Astrology

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8 years of exp

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Sumathi P

409 orders

Vedic Astrology, Nadi


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Yogham Gayathri

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Vedic Astrology, Numer...


10 years of exp

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Venkatesh Bhat

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Vedic Astrology, Gemol...

English, Hindi, Kannad...

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Murali Mohana Sharma

419 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

English, Hindi, Kannad...

25 years of exp

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Saket Agarwal

420 orders

Vedic Astrology, Numer...

English, Hindi, Gujara...

15 years of exp

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Mehala S S

653 orders

Vedic Astrology, Numer...

English, Tamil

5 years of exp

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Mahadevan S

658 orders

Prasanna, Choli Prasan...

English, Tamil

7 years of exp

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Pravesh Kumar

131 orders

Vedic Astrology, Tarot...

English, Hindi

6 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Namrata S

403 orders

Vedic Astrology, Numer...

English, Hindi

21 years of exp

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Bala Murugan

635 orders

Vedic Astrology, Tarot...

English, Tamil

3 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Balasubramaniam Radhakrishanan

638 orders

Vedic Astrology, Nadi,...

English, Tamil, Hindi

10 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Sankhlecha Deepak Gautam

483 orders

Vedic Astrology, Prash...

English, Hindi, Gujara...

7 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Brijgautam Gautam

563 orders

Vedic Astrology

English, Hindi

20 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Wendell H Hayes

527 orders

Vedic Astrology, Caree...


8 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Astro Vedant

157 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

English, Hindi, Gujara...

17 years of exp

$ 3/Min

Rajasekar M

233 orders



13 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Biswajit Chakraborty

420 orders

Vedic Astrology, Vaast...

English, Hindi, Bangla...

6 years of exp

$ 2/Min

Astrologer in Kolkata

Astrologer in Kolkata

Astrology has been an important predictive tool and is regarded even in the present times as a reliable methodology by the people in both urban and rural areas for foreseeing the future. Be it a question related to family, marriage, love, health, career, or business, the ancient science of Vedic Astrology has the answer for you. And, that is why every king had an expert astrologer in his court to guide him on the right path and help him make the right decision at the right time. AstroVed Speaks, an initiative from AstroVed, is such a court of the digital age and has in its fold persons of immense experience and expertise in the astrological domain. AstroVed Speaks has its presence in the ancient city of Kolkata, once the capital of British India, and its top astrologers in Kolkata are there to cater to your astrological needs.

Whether you are looking to build a new house, check horoscopes for marital compatibility, or start a new business, it is always good to commence them at an auspicious time to avoid hindrances and achieve success. Our panel of famous astrologers in Kolkata will help you make the right decisions based on the analysis of your birth chart. Even if you do not have a birth chart, you need not worry, still! Our good astrologers in Kolkata will prepare your birth chart in no time and help you find solutions to many of your life's problems. In a few clicks, you get to choose a top astrologer of Kolkata from a panel of AstroVed Speaks' good Astrologers in Kolkata and ask your questions directly to them to get answers and clarifications instantly. Sign up on AstroVed Speaks and get in touch with some of the famous astrologers in Kolkata immediately!

It is true that AstroVed Speaks tries to reach the benefit of the ancient system of Vedic Astrology to the people at large through some of their best astrologers in Kolkata and bring prosperity, peace, and joy to their lives. But they don't stop with the services of such famous astrologers in Kolkata. For, they also offer experts in fields like Numerology, Vastu, Feng Shui, and Tarot Card Reading to attend to the people, their queries, and needs. Thus, along with some of the top astrologers in Kolkata and other experts, AstroVed Speaks remains a single comprehensive window for providing support and guidance to the people. And a large number of satisfied customers bear testimony to the committed service that AstroVed Speaks' good astrologers in Kolkata offer to those in need.

Best Astrologers in Kolkata

AstroVed Speaks has in its panel many top astrologers in Kolkata committed to provide dedicated service to the customers. These famous astrologers in Kolkata, with tremendous expertise and years of experience in their domains, can be contacted anytime, from anywhere, from the comfort and privacy of your homes. These good astrologers in Kolkata also know many languages, and hence you can speak to such best astrologers in Kolkata in your mother tongue or the language you are comfortable in.

For availing of such expert astrological consultations, all you have to do is simply create a free account on AstroVed Speaks, recharge your wallet, and choose the astrologer who suits your preferences and needs, going by his or her profile available on the site. Your call charges will be based on your call duration with the astrologer, while the balance in your wallet can be used for your future calls. Here, we would like to assure you that your calls will be 100% confidential so that you can share your problems or concerns with our astrologers quite freely. And they will listen to your issues with empathy, clarify your doubts, guide you on the right path and help you make the right decisions in life.

And you can get your doubts and problems addressed, in respect of all the important areas of concern, like –

Career Prospects– Thanks to the best astrologers in Kolkata made available to you by AstroVed Speaks, you can know all about your vocation, employment, professional or business field, career path, and growth, progression, success, and impediments. All these can be available to you merely by the click of the 'Call' button.

Finance – Finance is an aspect that plays a crucial role at all stages of anyone's life. Knowing its significance, AstroVed Speaks' top astrologers in Kolkata attach much importance to it in their predictions and guide people about their economic strength, prosperity, and possible difficulties in life.

Marriage and Progeny Blessing – Marriage can be a watershed moment in anybody's life when people start a new phase in their lives. The famous astrologers in Kolkata can advise and guide people on all marriage-related issues like - whether a person's marriage is likely to be an arranged one or a love marriage, the personality and characteristics of the life partner, how long, cordial, and happy can the marital relationship be, etc. They may also throw insights on the children that the couple may beget and their lives in general.

Other aspects including Yogas, Doshas in the horoscope – Life's all other aspects like health, education, longevity, etc. along with the Yogas, the fortunate formations in the horoscope and the Doshas, the afflictions will also be predicted by such good astrologers in Kolkata, providing customers with timely guidance, hope, and caution, for their benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What else can the customer hope for, apart from future predictions, from the astrologers?

AstroVed Speaks' best astrologers in Kolkata can analyze a person's horoscope and provide predictions for the future covering all significant aspects of life, apart from replying to their queries and clarifying their doubts. These top astrologers in Kolkata can highlight the positive developments in life and caution about the negativities, reverses, or dangers if any. Such famous astrologers in Kolkata can also provide solutions to problems, which can include remedies in the form of temple visits, worships, or rituals.

Is it possible to cast the horoscope when the date and time of birth are not available?

Birth details like the date, time, and place of birth are essential for drawing a person's birth chart and making predictions. However, Prashna Shastra or Horary Astrology, a branch in astrology, can operate without the birth details and provide answers to questions with great accuracy. Besides, AstroVed Speaks' good astrologers in Kolkata can also do the birth chart rectification, based on other details provided by the person, and arrive at his or her precise date and time of birth.

How quickly can the astrologers prepare the birth chart and provide consultations?

AstroVed Speaks uses a highly reputed astrology software, which can make the horoscope accurately at the click of a computer mouse. Once the birth chart is so prepared, our expert astrologers with years of experience in the field can make calculations based on the horoscopic structure and placement of planets therein, analyze it, and provide consultations and predictions without any loss of time.

Please run through the panel of our astrological experts, choose the suitable one who meets your expectations for consultation, make a call right away, and get benefitted through the fulfillment of wishes and good life ahead!