Jupi Jr

Jupi Jr

Numerology, Tarot readers, Gemstone Suggestion, Education, Reiki

Hindi, Bangla Bengali

5 years of exp

call price $ 3/Min call price $ /Min


279 mins

Jupi  Jr

Expertise : Numerology, Tarot Readers, Gemstone Suggestion, Education, Reiki

Language : Hindi, Bangla Bengali

Experience : 5 years

call price $ 3/Min call price $ /Min

517 mins



About Astrologer

She is from Bangalore and speaks English, Hindi, Bengali, and Assamese. She has a Masters in Psychology. She has 5 years’ experience in this field. She is an expert in Numerology, Sound healing, Reiki/ Marma/ Auricular Therapy, Healing energy through Aura Chakra Pancha Kosha, healing and energizing using many ancient methods, Eft/Tft tapping, and Ancestral Healing methods, etc., Subconscious Programming/ Cellular level Reprogramming by removing abundance blocks. She has given consultation to families, individuals, entrepreneurs, YouTubers, etc. She has 10+ years of experience as a Counselor. Her journey started going through a past life regression where she found herself to be a healer. She believes in the importance of doing Good Karma. Currently, her mission is to help people find their strengths from their date of birth by choosing the right Career/Business/Education and by making the right decisions to live a fulfilled and successful life.





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