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Energized Nandhi Statue - Mystical Tool for Karma Removal

Energized Nandhi Statue - Mystical Tool for Karma Removal

Place this statue of the Sacred Bull of Shiva, Nandhi, on your altar for blessings to overcome negativity and to remove karmic limitations from your life. The statue is 6 inches tall and is exquisitely crafted. It will be energized using 13th Moon ritual-technology. Made of 5 metals, it can readily absorb the positive energy of the ritual. The Yogis claim that the 5 metals serve as the perfect medium to hold and retain divine, cosmic energy.
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US $ 306.00
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Energized Nandhi Statue - Mystical Tool for Karma Removal

Place this statue of the Sacred Bull of Shiva, Nandhi, on your altar for blessings to overcome negativity and to remove karmic limitations from your life. The statue is 6 inches tall and is exquisitely crafted. It will be energized using 13th Moon ritual-technology. Made of 5 metals, it can readily absorb the positive energy of the ritual. The Yogis claim that the 5 metals serve as the perfect medium to hold and retain divine, cosmic energy.   

Strengthen your relationship with Nandhi by making regular offerings of candle, incense, water, and food to him. The subtle essence of these offerings will be absorbed by the statue, and according to scriptures, will make it to come alive. Dr. Pillai also recommends pouring water over it, along with milk and orange juice if you are able. You can then offer your prayers to the Archetype through the statue, and invite his blessings into your life. Dimensions: Base Height 6 inches, Weight 1200gms

Satyanarayana Pooja

Group Satyanarayana Pooja

Satyanarayana Pooja is highly popular worship dedicated to Lord Narayana. People from many parts of the country undertake this special worship for propitiating the Lord and seeking his mercy and blessings. Narayana is none other than Vishnu, the supreme God of protection, while Satya is Dharma or truth. Satyanarayana is an extremely benevolent form of the Lord, who can be easily pleased by sincere devotion and it is believed that his grace can fill a life with immense blessings.

US $ 24.00
Saturn Homa

Saturn Pooja

Saturn is the most dreadful planet among all the other planets. While he transits to your zodiac, he makes sure that he puts you through trials and tribulations. Even people, who had been successful all through their life, suffer significantly during their Saturn period. You must know that all his rough attempts are merely to guide you on the perfect path of life.

US $ 14.00

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