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Kurma Yantra 3 Inch

Kurma Yantra 3 Inch

Kurma Yantra - Fill up the Gaps with Positive Energy at Work and Home! Why Kurma Yantra? Kurma in Sanskrit means “a tortoise”; Kurma Yantra represents Lord Vishnu who took the avatar of tortoise to bless the celestial beings with the divine nectar. It is necessary for your work place and living space to contain positive energy to bring about happiness and success, as well.
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Speciality of Kurma Yantra

Your struggles on the personal and the official front might be due to the lack of positive energy in your living and work space, as well. Kurma Yantra is energized with the power of Lord Vishnu which penetrates into your living space with the required amounts of positive energy.

The energy release from the Yantra will overpower the malefic effects of Saturn; it acts upon the gravitational force of your living space to drive in the aura of positivity. It will help you to accumulate wealth and bless you with all the riches.

Mantra for Kurma Yantra

  • Om Kurmaya Namaha
  • (The specified Mantra is to be recited for 108 times as a standard rule; however, changes if any will be mentioned at the time of buying.)

How to Use the Kurma Yantra ?

Yantras are great cosmic conductors of energy, an antenna of Nature, a powerful tool for harmony, prosperity, success, good health, yoga and meditation! Yantras consist of a series of geometric patterns. The eyes and mind concentrate at the center of the yantra to achieve higher levels of consciousness. Yantras are usually made out of copper.

  • Place the Yantra facing the East or the North in a clean and sacred altar.
  • Do not let other people touch the Yantra.
  • Periodically wash the Yantra with rose water or milk. Then, rinse it with water and wipe it to dry. The Yantra’s color may change over a period of time; however this does not dilute the power of the Yantra.
  • Place rounded dots of sandalwood paste on the 4 corners and in the center of the Yantra.
  • Light a candle or ghee lamp and an incense stick in front of the Yantra. You can offer fresh or dry fruits as Prasad, as well.
  • Chant the Mantra above in front of the Yantra, preferably after showering. 

Kurma Yantra enhances the lives of:

  • People who lack positive energy at work place and home
  • People who struggle to achieve success in their endeavors
  • People who are afflicted by Saturn
  • People who yearn for a hitch free life
  • People who need greater stability
  • People who want a more positive foundation to their lives
  • People who experience the tortoise or turtle as an omen to grow in patience
  • People who seek steadiness, longevity, wisdom, faithfulness
  • People who embark on a long-term project that will require persistence
Product Specifications Information:
Weight 150
Length 3
Breadth 3
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