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Shiva Shakti Mala with Ganesha Pendant

Shiva Shakti Mala with Ganesha Pendant

Shiva is the formless, pure consciousness. Shakti, his consort, is the creative energy behind every manifestation. The Shiva Shakti Malas alternate the Rudraksha beads with crystal beads that represent the divine feminine energy of Shakti. Rudraksha beads are embodiment of Shiva.
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Shiva is the formless, pure consciousness. Shakti, his consort, is the creative energy behind every manifestation. The Shiva Shakti Malas alternate the Rudraksha beads with crystal beads that represent the divine feminine energy of Shakti. Rudraksha beads are embodiment of Shiva.

The Rudraksha beads along with the crystal beads strengthen the balance between spirituality and materiality in your life. Performing meditation/chanting with Shiva Shakti Mala or wearing it brings in balance and harmony, of masculine energy of cause and the feminine energy of effect.

Ganesha is the Archetype who specializes in smashing karma in the shortest amount of time possible and his pendant will help you remove obstacles in the path of your success.

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