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Energized 5 Inch 5 Metal Varahi Statue

Energized 5 Inch 5 Metal Varahi Statue

Varahi is a complex archetype who is associated with several different sects of Hinduism and Buddhism, mythologies, and benefits of worship. She is a Goddess of wisdom, a boon and wealth bestower, a protectress, a destroyer of negative forces, and so much more.
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Varahi is a complex archetype who is associated with several different sects of Hinduism and Buddhism, mythologies, and benefits of worship. She is a Goddess of wisdom, a boon and wealth bestower, a protectress, a destroyer of negative forces, and so much more.

According to Dr. Pillai, Varahi is an aspect of Lakshmi to whom the earth plane and all its wealth belongs. She is also considered the guardian of the north direction. The directional energy of north is said to carry the power of money, treasure, and the energy to generate opportunities to acquire wealth.

This 5-inch tall statue is exquisitely crafted and will be energized in a special Fire Lab before being sent to you. It is made of 5 metals to absorb and retain the positive energy generated from the Fire Lab. The Yogis claim that the 5 metals serve as the perfect medium to hold and retain divine cosmic energy.

Place this statue of Goddess Varahi on your altar to aid you in attaining wealth, protection, divine wisdom, and more.

Strengthen your relationship with Goddess Varahi by making regular offerings of candle flame, incense, water and food to your statue. The subtle essence of these offerings will be absorbed by the statue and, according to scriptures, can make it come alive. Dr. Pillai also recommends pouring water over the statue, along with milk and/or orange juice. You can then offer your prayers to the Goddess via the statue and invite her blessings into your life.

Invite Goddess Varahi to radiate her divine energy throughout your space by welcoming this statue into your home.

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