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Individual Maha Tarpanam

Individual Maha Tarpanam

What is Tarpanam? It is strongly believed that your dead ancestors are governing your destiny! The greatest contribution of India to the world is her spiritual science. No civilization, however old it may be, has ever attained the level of sophistication, reached by the yogis and siddhas of India. What makes Maha Tarpanam so different- So much more profitable- Than any other remedy you have performed? We hold solid proof that performing Tarpanam Rituals works miracles in your life!
US $ 508.00
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What is Tarpanam?

It is strongly believed that your dead ancestors are governing your destiny! The greatest contribution of India to the world is her spiritual science. No civilization, however old it may be, has ever attained the level of sophistication, reached by the yogis and siddhas of India. What makes Maha Tarpanam so different- So much more profitable- Than any other remedy you have performed? We hold solid proof that performing Tarpanam Rituals works miracles in your life!

This is the most critical ritual one can perform for any departed friend or relative. It is essential to perform this ritual 15 days after death. It will empower and release your loved ones' soul for great power to transition to the afterlife and next birth. If the departed person died in a saddened or disturbed state of mind, this ritual is critical to help them release emotional pain which binds them to the world and prevents normal soul transition. If you have missed that date and still wish to perform, please let us know as the ritual will need to be intensified.

Rules for Shraddha or Shardhar Ritual

For 15 days until the ritual is performed, all family members should:

  •     Not visit any temples or pilgrimage places (except churches)
  •     Remain vegetarian
  •     Not consume alcohol
  •     Practice Celibacy

Please Note: We will not be shipping any prasads after the Tarpanam, as it is generally considered as inauspicious to possess the prasad. 

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