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Purusha Sooktha Pushpanjali for 13 Birth Stars.

Purusha Sooktha Pushpanjali for 13 Birth Stars.

Purusha Sooktham is an ancient Rig Vedic hymn. It is in praise of the universal being, who pervades everything, conscious and unconscious. Consisting of 16 verses, it describes the great being as Purusha, one with a thousand heads, eyes and feet. This description is nothing but the symbolism of the omnipresence of that universal being, Purusha, whom (or which) modern science terms “the God particle.”
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(Purusha Sooktha Pushpanjali for 13 Birth Star days – can be more appropriate)

What is Purusha Sooktham and what is its importance?

Purusha Sooktham is an ancient Rig Vedic hymn. It is in praise of the universal being, who pervades everything, conscious and unconscious. Consisting of 16 verses, it describes the great being as Purusha, one with a thousand heads, eyes and feet. This description is nothing but the symbolism of the omnipresence of that universal being, Purusha, whom (or which) modern science terms “the God particle.”

How is the Purusha Sooktha Pushpanjali for 13 Birth Stars performed?

The Purusha Sooktha Pushpanjali is done for invoking the Purusha, or the cosmic being. This ritual consists mainly of the chanting of Purusha Sooktham, the powerful Vedic hymns. Flowers are also offered to the deity during the worship, which is known as Pushpanjali; that is, paying obeisance to the deity with flowers. Lord Vishnu, the God of Protection, is the presiding deity of this worship. Hence, Purusha Sooktha Pushpanjali is performed for the Archetypes Vishnu, Hanuman, Garuda and/or Sudarshana. Invocation of each of these forms of the deity gives its own distinct benefits. By assessing one’s individual needs based on the reading of the betel leaf chart, the spiritual guide or the astrologer can identify and advise to which form of the deity this worship should be directed. This worship will be performed in your name on each of the days of your birth star continuously for a year; that is, on all your 13 birth-star days of a calendar year, so that blessings keep showering on you throughout the year.

What are the benefits of performing this Purusha Sooktha Pushpanjali worship? 

Purusha, the supreme being, is all-pervasive and extends beyond all directions and dimensions. He is beyond the limitations of any structure or form, and, hence, is formless. This worship is performed by invoking this formless Purusha in the form of a deity. The Purusha Sooktha Pushpanjali grants to the performers or the sponsors clarity of mind, excellence in all actions undertaken, success in endeavors, and also radiance, wealth, strength, prudence and power.

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