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Energized 3 in 1 Yantra Energy Devices Bhairava Saturn and Hanuman

Energized 3 in 1 Yantra Energy Devices Bhairava Saturn and Hanuman

Bhairava is a fierce form of Shiva, the Supreme Energy. He is considered the Guru or teacher of Saturn and has power over Saturn. Saturn gives you opportunities to evolve in life although the lessons may be harsh at times. Keep him in your consciousness and lessen his tight grip. Hanuman is the Monkey God who can control Saturn. Hence, offering your prayers to the 3 in 1 Yantra will bring you the blessings of all the three divine archetypes and protect you from the negative effects of Saturn.
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Bhairava is a fierce form of Shiva, the Supreme Energy. He is considered the Guru or teacher of Saturn and has power over Saturn. Saturn gives you opportunities to evolve in life although the lessons may be harsh at times. Keep him in your consciousness and lessen his tight grip. Hanuman is the Monkey God who can control Saturn. Hence, offering your prayers to the 3 in 1 Yantra will bring you the blessings of all the three divine archetypes and protect you from the negative effects of Saturn.

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