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Cosmic Truths Behind Ramayana

Cosmic Truths Behind Ramayana

The Cosmic Truths Behind Ramayana
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US $ 15.00
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The Cosmic Truths Behind Ramayana
Ramayana is the best of all Epics of our mystic land Bharath. There are plenty of characters in Ramayana, either positive or negative, as personification of various spiritual and yogic motions / concepts highlighted in the Vedic & yogic lore. In fact, the cosmic truths behind Ramayana characters signifying many segments of Sri Vidya/Patanjali Yoga/other higher philosophies are well brought out in this super title according to Amarakavi. The book contains many charts and tables depicting almost all the characters and their significations in yogic/spiritual/philosophical/mythological parlance.

Please Note: Your book will be shipped from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. For international shipping, please allow 2 – 4 weeks for delivery. (Price Includes it Shipping and Handling Cost)

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