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Swati Nakshatra Incense 6 Pack

Swati Nakshatra Incense 6 Pack

Those born under Swati are humble and often need to be informed of their own potential for greatness. They are compassionate and soft-spoken. Swati born can connect daily with the energy of their Nakshatra or Birthstar through their personal Nakshatra Incense. This incense is formulated with specific herbs mentioned in the Ancient Vedic texts and is sacred to their Birthstar. They would enjoy the experience of the unique, divine scent!
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US $ 22.00
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Those born under Swati are humble and often need to be informed of their own potential for greatness. They are compassionate and soft-spoken. Swati born can connect daily with the energy of their Nakshatra or Birthstar through their personal Nakshatra Incense. This incense is formulated with specific herbs mentioned in the Ancient Vedic texts and is sacred to their Birthstar. They would enjoy the experience of the unique, divine scent! 

Product Specifications Information:
Weight 242
Durga Pooja

Durga Pooja

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US $ 14.00
Jupiter Pooja

Jupiter Pooja

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US $ 14.00
Moon Pooja

Moon Pooja

Planet Moon rules over our mind, heart and emotions. Moon is the karaka of our mind and heart. Moon represents our thought process, belief, ideology, creativity, emotions, ideas etc. Moon is also the governing planet of our skin, brain cells, emotions, sentiments and body fluids.

US $ 14.00
Rahu Pooja

Rahu Pooja

Rahu is a Nodal planet. It does not own any sign in the natural zodiac. However, it acts as an agent for the owner of the sign in which it is places and also as an agent for the overlord of the star in which it is placed. Rahu when placed in a fiery signs would render a fierce nature and will exploit all subjects with an aggressive thirst of quest.

US $ 14.00
Saturn Homa

Saturn Pooja

Saturn is the most dreadful planet among all the other planets. While he transits to your zodiac, he makes sure that he puts you through trials and tribulations. Even people, who had been successful all through their life, suffer significantly during their Saturn period. You must know that all his rough attempts are merely to guide you on the perfect path of life.

US $ 14.00
Sun Pooja

Sun Pooja

Sun is the ultimate source of life on Earth. Sun in our horoscope represents, power, authority, Government, our health and journey of our soul.

US $ 14.00

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