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Archana: Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali and Ayur sooktha Pushpanjali

Archana: Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali and Ayur sooktha Pushpanjali

“Mrithyu” is not a palatable word, as it simply means “the much-feared death.” “Jaya” stands for “victory” or “the vanquisher.” “Mrithyunjaya” thus means “one who has vanquished death.” This is another powerful name for Lord Shiva, who burnt Yama, the Lord of death himself, to ashes in order to save his dear devotee, Markhandeya.
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Archana - Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali and Ayur Sukta Pushpanjali

Who is Mrityunjaya and what is his significance?

Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali and Ayur Sukta Pushpanjali

“Mrityu” is not a palatable word, as it simply means “the much-feared death.” “Jaya” stands for “victory” or “the vanquisher.” “Mrityunjaya” thus means “one who has vanquished death.” This is another powerful name for Lord Shiva, who burnt Yama, the Lord of death himself, to ashes in order to save his dear devotee, Markandeya.

What is an Ayur Suktam and what is its importance?

A suktam is a special mantra or hymn. The reciting of the suktam hymn is capable of bestowing various benefits. “Ayur” means “life,” “age” or “longevity.” Ayur Suktam is a mantra that is recited exclusively for longevity and good health.

What is a pushpanjali?

“Pushpa” means “flower,” and “anjali” is a salutation. A pushpanjali is a worship in which flowers and garlands are offered ceremonially to the deity as a means of paying obeisance to him or her.

How are the rituals of Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali and Ayur Sukta Pushpanjali done and what are the benefits of doing it?

Lord Shiva is pure consciousness, who represents the soul, the very core of a being. He is the God of destruction who destroys, only to transform and elevate the souls. He is also Mrityunjaya, the vanquisher of death, and he remains the presiding deity of the present worship.

This ceremony consists of the ritualistic chanting of the powerful Mrityunjaya Mantras and the sacred Ayur Sukta Mantra, along with performing archanas, the Light and Sound Ceremonies. These worships are also done as pushpanjalis, where flowers are offered reverentially to Lord Shiva.

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