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Mantra writing 10008 times Om Gurave Namaha

Mantra writing 10008 times Om Gurave Namaha

On this sacred day, writing or chanting the mantra “Om Gurave Namaha” is very auspicious. Get the powerful Guru mantra written by proxy 10008 times that will transform you spiritually and lift your consciousness to help you reach your goal or fulfil your desires without hindrance.
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On this sacred day, writing or chanting the mantra “Om Gurave Namaha” is very auspicious. Get the powerful Guru mantra written by proxy 10008 times that will transform you spiritually and lift your consciousness to help you reach your goal or fulfil your desires without hindrance.

On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra “Om Gurave Namaha” 10,008 times. “Gurave” invokes the energy of planet Jupiter (Guru), and energy of Dr. Pillai.  Writing mantras involves focus, and the constant repetition is known to transform the sponsor's consciousness. The sponsor also receives good merit of supporting livelihood of proxy mantra writers.

Vedic mantras emit sound vibrations that recreate certain special energies. Repeated writing of Vedic mantras can invoke presence of desired Gods.

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