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Clear Karma By Writing Thiru Neela Kantam 100008 Times

Clear Karma By Writing Thiru Neela Kantam 100008 Times

This quantum sound frequency invokes the energies of Shiva, in the form of a blue light. The mantra literally means 'Blue-Throated One' referring to the legend of Shiva drinking the poison and his throat becoming blue. This mantra invokes the energies of Shiva in the form of a blue light, which removes karma and repetitive negative patterns.
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This quantum sound frequency invokes the energies of Shiva, in the form of a blue light. The mantra literally means 'Blue-Throated One' referring to the legend of Shiva drinking the poison and his throat becoming blue. This mantra invokes the energies of Shiva in the form of a blue light, which removes karma and repetitive negative patterns.

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