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Turmeric Powder Abhishekam.

Turmeric Powder Abhishekam.

An abhishekam is the holy bath given to a deity. This is the sacred hydration ceremony performed for inviting divine energies into our lives. It is a simple but highly effective purification process. We perform such rituals to the deities, who themselves are the embodiments of purity, only because this remains the most practical means of purifying our own souls. Normally, in the case of abhishekams with liquids like water, milk, etc.,
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Manjalpodi Abishekam- Turmeric Powder Abishekam


What is Abishekam (Hydration Pooja)?

A sacred hydration ceremony called Abishekam is performed to cleanse and invigorate the deity and invoke divine energies into your life. With the chanting of sacred mantras during the process, your prayers will be heard, and you can receive bountiful blessings.

What is the Religious Significance of Turmeric Powder?

Turmeric signifies auspiciousness, purity, good health, and fertility. It has tremendous medicinal value. Turmeric powder holds a very prominent place in Indian culture and is used extensively in religious rituals and festivals. It also signifies courage, sacrifice, and renunciation. Hence it is natural that Abishekam to pure entities like Gods is done with turmeric powder.

Why You Should Perform Turmeric Powder Abishekam

Turmeric Powder Abishekam is often done to propitiate Snake Gods and invoke their blessings. In Kerala, Snake Gods have great significance and are worshipped in different forms like Nagaraja, Nagayakshi, Nagachamundi, and Sarpayakshi. All Powerspots there have the Sarpa Pratishta (establishment of snake gods). Some temples in Kerala have a large Sarpakavu (abode of snakes), where people worship snakes.

How Turmeric Powder Abishekam Benefits You Immensely


As per traditional beliefs in Kerala, performing Turmeric Powder Abishekam to Snake Gods can help you enjoy immense benefits and blessings.

  • Help boost health
  • Surround you with positive energy
  • Resolve marital problems and strengthen relationships
  • Enjoy good luck in all your endeavors


*Any ritual offered with reverence can positively change your life.

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