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Navagraha Suktam Chanting And Nakshatra Shanti Homa

Navagraha Suktam Chanting And Nakshatra Shanti Homa

Nakshatra Shanti Homa accompanied by Navagraha Suktam chanting is performed to reduce the malefic effects of the planets with the powerful vibrations emanating from the fire lab. Performing this homa can confer longevity, good health, protection from evil forces, and help you achieve goals in life.
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9-Planet Hymn of Praise Chanting and Birth Star Blessings Fire Lab

Introduction to Navagraha Suktam Chanting and Nakshatra Shanti Homa
Navagraha Suktam Chanting and Nakshatra Shanti Homa

Nakshatra Shanti Homa accompanied by Navagraha Suktam chanting is performed to reduce the malefic effects of the planets with the powerful vibrations emanating from the fire lab. The transition of the planets tends to cause turbulence in your life and performing this homa can bring about radical changes in your growth and development. For best results, this homa should be performed at least once a year on the day of your birth star to receive the maximum benefits.

Unique Traits of Navagraha Suktam Chanting and Nakshatra Shanti Homa

The uniqueness of performing the Nakshatra Shanti Homa and Navagraha Suktam chanting is its propensity to appease the planets and correct the imbalances in their position in your birth chart, which is responsible for your day-to-day life. This allows leading a better life bereft of the difficulties associated with the planetary transits.

The powerful combination of the Homa and the sacred chanting can penetrate your psyche and cleanse the aura of negativity around you. It can bestow longevity, good health, protection from evil forces, and help you achieve your life goals. This ritual is strongly recommended for those who suffer from chronic and acute ailments to improve the quality of your life.

Description of Navagraha Suktam Chanting and Nakshatra Shanti Homa

Nakshatra Shanti Homa and Navagraha Suktam chanting are performed by our qualified Vedic priests by following the procedure prescribed in the sacred texts. The chanting of mantras along with the sacred offerings can infuse the ritual with the potential to bring about life-changing benefits. All nine planets are invoked and propitiated to seek their combined blessings.

Navagraha Suktam chanting followed by Nakshatra Shanti Homa is recommended for everyone who aspires to a better life by ridding themselves of the negative forces, which tend to affect the psyche of the person. The ritual can be performed based on considerations arising from your birth star. Our astrologers ensure the ceremony is scheduled on auspicious occasions and timings depending on the needs and requirements of the individual.

Benefits of Navagraha Suktam Chanting and Nakshatra Shanti Homa

As per scriptures, performing Nakshatra Shanti Chanting and Navagraha Homa according to the procedures prescribed in sacred texts can bestow the following blessings:

  • Pacify the adverse effects of the birth star and Navagraha

  • Help overcome difficulties, gain inner strength and confidence

  • Invoke favorable blessings of the planets

  • Attain health, wealth, and prosperity

  • Resolve bad karmic problems and Doshas (afflictions)

  • Help lead a peaceful and happy life

  • Take full advantage of opportunities and achieve your desires

  • Enjoy the rewards of your hard work

What will I receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the homa and kum-kum (Red Vermillion Powder), blessed in the ritual. You can keep it in the meditation altar and duly apply it on the forehead as and when required to invoke the divine blessings of the deity.

Prasad will be shipped from Chennai, Tamil Nadu within a week after the entire set of rituals is performed. Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for international delivery.

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