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Individual Maha Sudharsana Homa

Individual Maha Sudharsana Homa

This homa invokes the blessings of the Sudharshana Chakra (wheel or discus) wielded by the preserver and sustainer of the universe, Vishnu and the Supreme Vishnu himself. Maha Sudharshana Homa accompanied by the chanting of the sacred hymn Vishnu Sahasranama (1000 names of Vishnu), is a Vedic fire lab, which confers the divine blessings of Vishnu on those wishing to invoke the energy of this highly auspicious and revered weapon to destroy negativity.
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Fire Lab to Destroy Negativity and Gain Protection

Introduction to Maha Sudharsana Homa with Vishnu Sahasranama Chanting


This homa invokes the blessings of the Sudharshana Chakra (wheel or discus) wielded by the preserver and sustainer of the universe, Vishnu and the Supreme Vishnu himself. Maha Sudharshana Homa accompanied by the chanting of the sacred hymn Vishnu Sahasranama (1000 names of Vishnu), is a Vedic fire lab, which confers the divine blessings of Vishnu on those wishing to invoke the energy of this highly auspicious and revered weapon to destroy negativity. Performing this homa can destroy all the invisible negative forces surrounding your aura and envelop you with a protective shield of righteousness.

Unique Traits of Maha Sudharsana Homa with Vishnu Sahasranama Chanting

Sudharshana Chakra is a supremely powerful celestial weapon with 108 serrated edges. Vishnu Sahasranama is a sacred hymn, which extolls the virtues and blessings of the Supreme Vishnu. Maha Sudharshana Homa (Fire Lab for Vishnu’s Divine Weapon), along with the chanting of the Vishnu Sahasranama can endow a sense of well-being, lift the shroud of darkness and surround you with an all-pervading feeling of positivity.

Description of Maha Sudharsana Homa with Vishnu Sahasranama Chanting

Our Vedic priests will perform maha Sudharsana Homa with Vishnu Sahasranama chanting with an inclination towards forming a divine connection with the deity, at the best possible time scheduled. The energy generated by this elaborate fire ritual has tremendous spiritual power and life-changing capabilities. Ekadasi (11th Moon), Dwadasi (12th Moon), and Full Moon phases are considered auspicious days for performing the Sudharshana Homa.

Our priests chant the Vishnu Sahasranama with great devotion and reverence to obtain favorable results and derive the maximum advantage of the fire lab. The homa can be performed based on considerations arising from your birth star. Our astrologers ensure the ceremony is scheduled on auspicious occasions and timings depending on the needs and requirements of the individual.

Benefits of Maha Sudharsana Homa with Vishnu Sahasranama Chanting

As per scriptures, performing Maha Sudharsana Homa with Vishnu Sahasranama chanting according to the procedures prescribed in sacred texts can bestow the following blessings:

  • Remove fear, sadness, and bad dreams

  • Destroy negative energy

  • Fulfill wishes and grant boons

  • Instill confidence and strength to achieve your goals

  • Bestow overall growth, success, and prosperity

  • Bring positivity and happiness

  • Remove pain, suffering, and other afflictions

  • Help overcome enemies and get rid of curses

  • Gain wealth, good health, and abundance

  • Attain peace, prosperity, and Moksha (salvation)

What will I receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the homa and kum-kum (Red Vermillion Powder), blessed in the ritual. You can keep it in the meditation altar and duly apply it on the forehead as and when required to invoke the divine blessings of the deity.

Prasad will be shipped from Chennai, Tamil Nadu within a week after the entire set of rituals is performed. Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for international delivery.

Maha Sudharsana Homa Ceremonies

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