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Shukra or Venus is the sixth among the Navagraha and is the brightest among the planets. Goddess Lakshmi is the presiding deity of Shukra. Shukra rules material comforts, love to family members, intimacy, luxury, comfort, vehicles, sensual satisfaction, passion, pleasure, vitality, prosperity, physical appearance, skills in fine arts. Shukra is an embodiment of love, beauty, money, and relationships. It is also an indicator of matters relating to partner and marital bonding.
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Importance of Shukra (Venus)

Shukra or Venus is the sixth among the Navagraha and is the brightest among the planets. Goddess Lakshmi is the presiding deity of Shukra. Shukra rules material comforts, love to family members, intimacy, luxury, comfort, vehicles, sensual satisfaction, passion, pleasure, vitality, prosperity, physical appearance, skills in fine arts. Shukra is an embodiment of love, beauty, money, and relationships. It is also an indicator of matters relating to partner and marital bonding.

Impacts Of Shukra

According to legend, Shukra is the son of Sage Bhrigu. Shukra is regarded as the guru of Asuras and is also referred as Shukracharya. If Shukra is strongly placed in the horoscope, it can provide wealth, luxuries, material comforts, gains, good fortune, peace of mind, strong intellect, higher status and expertise in art and music, harmonious marital life, inherent sense of beauty, peace, devotion and compassion. If Shukra is weakly placed in the horoscope, then there could be issues in career and profession, bad luck, loss of fame, loss due to investments, indiscipline, self-indulgence, pride, and fatigue. It can also cause health problems like indigestion, loss of appetite, skin problems, and pimples.

Who Should Perform Shukra Preethi Homam?

Shukra Preethi Homam is a powerful ritual to appease Shukra and receive his positive blessings. It is advised for those who undergo the following impact of Shukra to perform Shukra Preethi Homam:

  • Minimize the adverse effects of afflicted Shukra in the horoscope
  • Enhance the benefits of Shukra in the horoscope
  • Running Shukra Dasa/Bhukti
  • Fix personal relationships and improve intimacy among couples
  • Gain assets, such as home, vehicles, and buildings
  • Aim for material prosperity, wealth, charm, and material bliss
  • Excel in arts, music, and creative fields
  • Gain an attractive appearance and social skills to socialize with people

Benefits Of Performing Shukra Preethi Homam

According to sacred texts and traditional beliefs, performing Shukra Preethi Homam can bestow the following benefits:

  • Bestows wealth, property, long life, and happiness
  • Gives education and good children
  • Grants beauty, money, and sensuality
  • Makes a person creative and charismatic
  • Confers good luck, love, peace, and magnetism
  • Bestows artistic skills and expertise in various art forms like music and dance
  • Gives good social status and ability to bond in relationships

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