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Sudarshana Homam

Sudarshana Homam

Sudarshana is the personification of the 1000 pointed Discus held by Lord Vishnu. The 1000 points or spikes are symbolic of this protective quality.
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Sudarshana Homam

What is a homa and what is its significance?

Sudarshana Homa

A homa is a Fire Lab. This is also known as a Yagna or Fire Ritual. Enlightened Masters consider this ritual the most evolved spiritual technology on the planet. Fire is chosen as the medium for this ritual, as it is considered a purifying and transformational agent, a form of energy that helps us connect with the divine. Fire acts as the bridge between the gross material world and the subtle spiritual dimensions. The Fire Lab is a sophisticated use of fire, and acting as a multi-dimensional communication technology, it is used to invoke different aspects of divine consciousness known as Archetypes or Gods, Goddesses and Angels.

Archetypes exist internally as dormant potential within our psychophysical system, as well as externally as supernatural beings with whom our prophets, seers and mystics from every religion were in contact. Each one of them has unique abilities that can transform our reality in profound ways. A homa or Fire Lab is the most effective way to access them.

Who is Sudarshana and what is his importance?

Sudarshana is one of the psychic weapons of Lord Vishnu, the Archetype who is the preserver and sustainer of the universe. Sudarshana is in the shape of a wheel or discus (called chakra in Sanskrit) and hence is known as Sudarshana Chakra. He is the personification of the 1000-pointed discus held by Lord Vishnu, which represents the all-pervading cosmic mind that is the Lord himself. He remains a powerful weapon that is flung at negative forces to forcefully slice through them with a spinning motion. Sudarshana Chakra is always triumphant, and his brilliance is said to be like a million Suns.

What is the significance of the Sudarshana Homa?

The Sudarshana Homa invokes Sudarshana Chakra as the chief Archetype. This powerful homa is very effective, especially for those who are naturally devoted to Lord Vishnu or Sri Krishna. The deity of Sudarshana protects one from all negative forces, including evil eyes, and counteracts curses and spells from all directions. Sudarshana’s 1000 points or spikes are symbolic of this protective quality. Participating in the Sudarshana Homa can help destroy negativity, grant purification and help restore the energies of health.

What are the benefits of performing the Sudarshana Homa?

The Sudarshana Homa can provide immense benefits to the performers or sponsors. It can help achieve sincere desires, provide relief from sufferings and worries, cure diseases and rejuvenate health. It can remove fears, illusions, bad dreams, hallucinations and all such negative energies, thus healing the body and mind. It can bless one with overall growth and prosperity and protection from known and unknown enemies, and also promote manifestations of unstoppable success. This worship is also recommended for anyone pursuing deeper experiences of light and purification.

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