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Rahu is one of the two snake or chaya planets (Chaya Graha) among the Navagraha. According to Vedic astrology, Rahu rules one’s ego, temper, attitude, desire, and alcoholism. He also governs many askew activities of life. Rahu is often linked to the unconscious wishes, discontent, fear, passion, goals, illusion, and unresolved problems from past lives. Though he does not have any physical existence, Rahu can strongly influence one’s life events.
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Importance of Rahu

Rahu is one of the two snake or chaya planets (Chaya Graha) among the Navagraha. According to Vedic astrology, Rahu rules one’s ego, temper, attitude, desire, and alcoholism. He also governs many askew activities of life. Rahu is often linked to the unconscious wishes, discontent, fear, passion, goals, illusion, and unresolved problems from past lives. Though he does not have any physical existence, Rahu can strongly influence one’s life events.

Impacts Of Rahu

According to mythology, Rahu is the head portion of Asura Swarbahanu, who disguised himself as a Deva to consume Amrit, and whom Vishnu as Mohini severed with his Sudharshana Chakra. The torso of Swarnabhanu is Kethu. Rahu is called Bhoga Karaka, the giver of worldly comforts and also the one who can strengthen power and help overpower enemies. He can help to enhance your life and make even unfavourable situations turn in your favour. With Rahu’s grace, you can make the best use of situations, become a go-getter and lead life as you wish.

Who Should Perform Rahu Preethi Homam?

Rahu Preethi Homam is a powerful ritual to appease Rahu and receive his positive blessings. It is advised for those who undergo the following impact of Rahu to perform Rahu Preethi Homam:

  • Under Rahu Dasa
  • Under Rahu Bhukti
  • Rahu is not well-placed in your horoscope
  • Have Kala Sarpa Dosha or Naga Dosha in the horoscope

Benefits Of Performing Rahu Preethi Homam

According to sacred texts and traditional beliefs, performing Rahu Preethi Homam can bestow the following benefits:

  • Helps innovate and generate new ideas
  • Bestows wealth, authority, and fame
  • Improves charisma
  • Helps get rid of problems due to paternal karma
  • Gives positivity to fulfil wishes and goals
  • Removes delays in marriage and problems in fertility
  • Overpowers enmity and ignorance
  • Gives resolve to get what you desire in life
  • Helps overcome anxiety, sorrow, and poverty
  • Offers relief from infectious diseases such as leprosy

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