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In Vedic Astrology, Guru signifies education, spirituality, marriage, knowledge, wealth, good luck, prosperity, and expansion in life. Also known as Brihaspati, he is regarded as Deva Guru and as the source of divine knowledge. Guru is considered the most auspicious and favourable planet among the Navagraha. Jupiter is also karaka for the gift of progeny.
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Importance of Guru (Jupiter)

In Vedic Astrology, Guru signifies education, spirituality, marriage, knowledge, wealth, good luck, prosperity, and expansion in life. Also known as Brihaspati, he is regarded as Deva Guru and as the source of divine knowledge. Guru is considered the most auspicious and favourable planet among the Navagraha. Jupiter is also karaka for the gift of progeny. Guru usually takes 13 months to transit in one House or sign. The favourable placement of Guru in our Navamsa chart or horoscope gives beneficial results in all areas with overall growth, expansion, happiness, and contentment.

Impacts Of Guru

Guru is the most auspicious planet because of its benevolent nature. Bad placement of Guru in the horoscope can result in obesity, create problems in marital life, no gains, scarcity of money and happiness in life. Guru denotes growth and accomplishment in life based on its position in the horoscope. Vedic Astrology regards Guru as an important member of the Navagraha, who strongly impacts the lives of the people and can reveal the past, present and the future of an individual’s life.

Who Should Perform Guru Preethi Homam?

Guru Preethi Homam is a powerful ritual to appease Guru Bhagwan and receive his positive blessings. It is advised for those who undergo the following impact of Guru to perform Guru Preethi Homam:

  • To minimize the adverse effects of afflicted Guru in the horoscope
  • Enhance the benefits of Guru in a horoscope
  • Running Guru Dasa/Antar Dasa
  • Those who want to beget children & face fertility issues
  • To eliminate Dosha and bad karmic patterns
  • Those who suffer from loss of wealth & heart ailments
  • Those who want to expand their knowledge

Benefits Of Performing Guru Preethi Homam

According to sacred texts and traditional beliefs, performing Guru Preethi Homam can bestow the following benefits:

  • Gives solutions to problems
  • Fulfils wishes
  • Reduces the adverse effects and boost the positive effects of Guru in the horoscope
  • Blesses with good eloquence and ability to gain knowledge
  • Bestows clarity of thought and confidence
  • Removes delays in marriage
  • Grants success in academics

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