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In Vedic Astrology, Budha or Mercury denotes knowledge, communication, speech, writing, painting, philosophy and learning. Praised as Buddhi Karaka, the ruler of wisdom, his blessings can improve thinking ability, communication skills, idea generation, strategy planning, and implementation. Mercury governs verbal and written communication.
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Importance of Budha (Mercury)

In Vedic Astrology, Budha or Mercury denotes knowledge, communication, speech, writing, painting, philosophy and learning. Praised as Buddhi Karaka, the ruler of wisdom, his blessings can improve thinking ability, communication skills, idea generation, strategy planning, and implementation. Mercury governs verbal and written communication, commerce & accounting, computers, business, and research. Budha also denotes logic, mathematics, and astrology. He blesses you with clarity of thoughts, good analytical skills, and an eye for detail. Mercury bestows good intellect, a sense of humour and quick wit.

Impacts Of Budha

According to Vedic Astrology, Budha is regarded as the most wise and youngest of Navagraha. The positive placement of Budha in the horoscope can reduce the adverse effects and strengthen the positive blessings of the planet of wit and communication. A benefic Budha can bless with intellect, wisdom, good speech, and success. Ruled by Vishnu, Budha can also bring the graceful blessings of the Lord.

Who Should Perform Budha Preethi Homam?

Budha Preethi Homam is a powerful ritual to appease Budha and receive his positive blessings. It is advised for those who undergo the following impact of Budha to perform Budha Preethi Homam:

  • To minimize the adverse effects of afflicted Budha in the horoscope
  • Enhance the benefits of Budha in the horoscope
  • Running Budha Dasa Bhukti
  • Improve organizational and planning ability
  • Improve communication skills
  • Enjoy and make profit from travel
  • Improve lucid and logical thinking
  • Give a good sense of humour and sharpen analytical skills

Benefits Of Performing Budha Preethi Homam

According to sacred texts and traditional beliefs, performing Budha Preethi Homam can bestow the following benefits:

  • Good communication skills and quick thinking
  • Improves organizing and planning ability
  • Develops aptitude for research and sharpen analytical skills
  • Proficiency with matters of accounting, numbers, and devising practical plans
  • Perfection & attention to detail in day-to-day life
  • Offers relief from illness and sorrow
  • Bestows success, wisdom, and prosperity

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