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Pariharam Pilot Study - Fix your Bad Planets in just 180 Days - Monthly Installment

Pariharam Pilot Study - Fix your Bad Planets in just 180 Days - Monthly Installment

Pariharam Pilot Study - Fix your Bad Planets in just 180 Days! Everybody knows what is not working for him or her. For instance, those who have many problems do know about it. Mostly, those who have insufficient funds or relationship issues exactly know what their problem is. We don't need astrology to reveal what is obvious ~ Dr. Pillai What then, is the purpose of astrology? The purpose of astrology is to fix your problems. This means,
US $ 258.00
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Pariharam Pilot Study - Fix your Bad Planets in just 180 Days!

Everybody knows what is not working for him or her. For instance, those who have many problems do know about it. Mostly, those who have insufficient funds or relationship issues exactly know what their problem is. We don't need astrology to reveal what is obvious ~ Dr. Pillai

What then, is the purpose of astrology? The purpose of astrology is to fix your problems. This means, we have to focus attention on remedies. Life is an irony and a mystery. There are a few desperate good natured people out there like you, who want to change their lives and discipline their intentions. Nevertheless, the planets keep you lethargic, goofy, negative and unconscious. If you choose to fix your problems once and for all, Dr. Pillai personally recommends and desires the Pariharam Pilot Study (PPS) Program for you - to fix your problems permanently.

What do we offer in PPS?

1. Online Skype or Phone Astrologer Consultation (30 Mins)

Astrologer Consultation is a 30 minutes online service that enables you to ask and get all your questions answered by an Expert Astrologer instantly. You can choose to question on any area of life during the online Astrologer Consultation session.

  • An online Question and Answer Session for 30 Minutes (1 time) to know about all the areas of your life
  • Prompt replies to your questions during the consultation
  • Thorough understanding of the planetary positions in your Birth Chart
  • Best Vedic Remedies will be suggested (includes Mantras, Planetary Group Homas, Special Purpose Individual Homas and special Purpose Yantras.)

2. Planetary Group Homa for 6 months

As per the Astrologer's suggestions Planetary Group Homas will be performed on your behalf for a span of 6 months (suitable dates for all the 6 months will be recommended by the astrologers).

  • Personal recommendation of Planetary Group Homas
  • Performance of Planetary Group Homa on your behalf for a continuous period of 6 months
  • Astrologer suggested dates and time for Planetary Group Homas
  • A fixed schedule for the time and date of the suggested Group Homa will be intimated to the member well in advance
  • Prasad will be shipped across to you following the completion of Group Homas for 6 months
  • You can drop in personally to participate in the Homa as per the schedule sent across to you

3. Special Purpose Individual Homa

As per the Astrologer's suggestion one Special Purpose Individual Homa will be performed on your behalf (a suitable date for the Homa will be recommended by the astrologers after thoroughly analyzing your Birth Chart).

  • Special Homa is performed specially on your behalf
  • Most appropriate auspicious date and chosen handpicked by the Astrologer
  • You can personally drop in to participate in the special Homa conducted for you
  • Sacred Priests and authoritative experts will perform the Homa for you
  • Vedic methods and rules are strictly followed in performing the remedy
  • Vedic experts thoroughly analyze your Birth Chart for suggesting extremely suitable date and time to perform the Homa
  • Prasad will shipped to you on completion of the Homa for notice of successful completion of the remedy

4. Special Purpose Energized Yantra

As per the Astrologer's suggestion one Special Purpose Yantra will be energized to enrich your personal and professional life (the most suitable Yantra will be recommended by the astrologers after thoroughly analyzing your Birth Chart). Energization is the process of infusing extremely positive powers into the Yantra to fill your living space with bliss. The special purpose Yantra will be energized during the Special individual Homa performed on your behalf.

  • The energized Yantra sacred energy device will grant you the power to focus and accomplish your goals
  • A special Yantra is recommended by the Astrologer personally for you depending on the planetary positions and requisites of your Birth Chart
  • Special energization of the Yantra will fetch your lifetime with maximum benefits possible
  • Sacred Priests and authoritative experts will perform the Homa to energize the Yantra handpicked for you
  • You will receive the special purpose Yantra along with the Prasad sent on completion of the special purpose Homa

How Can I Pay?

1. Onetime Payment Option 1

Make a payment of $ 450 at a single go to fix your problems using the PPS program.

2. Easy to Pay Option 2

First installment payment of $ 250
Second installment payment of $ 225 (within a duration of 30 days from the first installment)

Your life is the most special moment to cherish; therefore you deserve a problem solver and we have PPS personally designed for you. AstroVed's PPS Program can make the moments of your life as perfect as possible.

PPS: Live Astrologer Consultation for 30 Minutes

PPS: Live Astrologer Consultation for 30 Minutes

PPS: Planetary Group Homas for 6 months

PPS: Planetary Group Homas for 6 months

PPS: Special Purpose Energized Yantra

PPS: Special Purpose Energized Yantra

PPS: Special Purpose Individual Homa

PPS: Special Purpose Individual Homa


6 Months of New Moon Ancestral Ritual performed in Kerala

Performing Tarpanam for your ancestors shows your respect towards them and supports the unity of your family and family lineage. Ancestors have more wisdom and spiritual power than they did during life and have the ability to positively affect your life. Participate in the 6 Months of New Moon ancestral ritual performed in Kerala.

US $ 119.00
Garbarakshambiga Pooja

Garbarakshambiga Pooja

Garbarakshambigai Amman is the Goddess who can bless eligible couples with the gift of progeny. The word ‘Garba’ means pregnancy, ‘Raksha’ is protection, and ‘Amman’ is Goddess. Garbarakshambigai, as her name suggests, is the guardian angel of expectant mothers. She is a supreme, divine, feminine power in a highly compassionate form, and is regarded as an aspect of Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva.

US $ 11.00

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