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Prasna Nadi 5 Question

Prasna Nadi 5 Question

There is a special Kandam (chapter) in Nadi Astrology called Prasna. This special chapter holds answers for your questions from the author of the Nadi scripture, either Archetype Shiva or a Great Saint. The term 'Prasna' means the current moment as well as denotes a question.
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There is a special Kandam (chapter) in Nadi Astrology called Prasna. This special chapter holds answers for your questions from the author of the Nadi scripture, either Archetype Shiva or a Great Saint. The term 'Prasna' means the current moment as well as denotes a question. Not many people know about the value of Prasna. Even if you don't understand what is happening in your life, and have a mind filled with many questions, this mystical divine Prasna can definitely give you an answer. This feature of Nadi Astrology is a great mystery, known only to the Siddhas.

How it Works

  • Anyone can make use of Nadi Prasna. Even if you have not had a Nadi Reading before, you can make use of this service
  • In this Nadi Prasna service, you can ask five questions
  • You can type in your questions while placing an order in the space given and click on the Submit button
  • The Nadi Reader notes down the answers to your questions and communicates these answers to you over email or Skype

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