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6 Months of New Moon Ancestral Ritual performed in Kerala

6 Months of New Moon Ancestral Ritual performed in Kerala

Performing Tarpanam for your ancestors shows your respect towards them and supports the unity of your family and family lineage. Ancestors have more wisdom and spiritual power than they did during life and have the ability to positively affect your life. Participate in the 6 Months of New Moon ancestral ritual performed in Kerala.
US $ 119.00
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Tarpanam for Your Ancestors Helps to:

  • Liberate your ancestors from curses
  • Bring the gifts of peace and longevity
  • Resolve issues related to lack of money, poor health, and bad relationships
Durga Yantra

Durga Yantra

Be the personification of courage and victory—seek the blessings of Goddess Durga! She is the empowerment of divine energy who nourishes your body, mind and soul. She is a savior for women as well as a protective refuge for men. Her power rays will stimulate your courage level to achieve victory against enemies. Durga Yantra runs the magical lines of Goddess Durga which gift you with victory in all your endeavors.

US $ 47.00
Hayagriva Yantra

Hayagriva Yantra 3 Inch

Hayagriva Yantra - Top All the Aptitude Tests! Why Hayagriva Yantra? Hayagriva is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu; he is an embodiment of intelligence and knowledge. If you are yearning to grow in intellect, seek his blessings and power! Your career aspirations and desires will easily get accomplished when you are invigorated with his power. Hayagriva Yantra contains the power lines that could attract his blessings towards you;

US $ 47.00 US $ 44.65
Mercury Fire Lab (Homa)

Mercury Fire Lab (Mercury Planetary Blessings Homa)

This homa invokes the blessings of Mercury. Propitiating this powerful celestial body, which represents knowledge, communication and speech can make you sharp-witted and hone your oratory skills. Performing Mercury homa can help you harness the positive energies of Mercury to keep the powers of writing, painting, philosophy and learning within your grasp.

US $ 154.00
Moon Fire Lab (Homa)

Moon Fire Lab (Moon Planetary Blessings Homa)

This Moon homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Moon. The Moon rules your mind and emotions and brings success. Regarded as the Queen of Planets, Moon can deeply impact your decision-making skills positively. Performing Moon homa can balance your emotions, improve self-worth, promote love & success and improve rapport with your mother.

US $ 154.00
Saturn Fire Lab (Homa)

Saturn Fire Lab (Saturn Planetary Blessings Homa)

The Saturn Homa (Fire Lab) is dedicated to the planet Saturn and is performed to appease and harness his blessings to overcome trials and tribulations in life. Saturn’s powerful energy can affect your life and at times may seem to be overbearing, but the purpose of its influence is to guide you towards the right path.

US $ 154.00
Venus Fire Lab (Homa)

Venus Fire Lab (Venus Planetary Blessings Homa)

This Venus homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Venus. The planet Venus is ruled by Goddess Lakshmi and governs the female gender. He can empower you to harness your creativity and give expression to your abilities. Perform Venus homa to receive blessings for longevity, wealth, progeny, happiness, property and good education.

US $ 154.00

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