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Karuppasamy: Food Feeding for 108 people

Karuppasamy: Food Feeding for 108 people

Karuppasamy is a Performer God and He promises to help all those who seek justice. His commitment to the human beings is phenomenal. Feeding the poor pleases Karuppasamy the most. It is also considered the greatest charity of all charities. Participate in the food feeding ceremony to appease the God of Justice who in turn will guard you from the evils.
US $ 408.00
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Karuppasamy is a Performer God and He promises to help all those who seek justice. His commitment to the human beings is phenomenal. Feeding the poor pleases Karuppasamy the most. It is also considered the greatest charity of all charities. Participate in the food feeding ceremony to appease the God of Justice who in turn will guard you from the evils. 

New Moon Ancestral Ritual performed in Kerala

The New Moon is a powerful time to establish a connection with your maternal and paternal ancestors. Performing the Tarpanam ritual on this day clears energy blocks, negativity, evils and shortcomings in all aspects of your life. Invoke the energies of your ancestors in your life for a healthy, wealthy and negativity-free life by performing ancestral ritual on New Moon in Kerala.

US $ 32.00

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