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Intensity Level 1 Special Pooja - Karuppasamy Rituals and Food Feeding for 25 people

Intensity Level 1 Special Pooja - Karuppasamy Rituals and Food Feeding for 25 people

Intensity Level 1 Ordinary Pooja Karuppasamy Rituals & Food Feeding for 25 people The Rituals to Karuppasamy will be done as per the Temple norms, which will include Archana, offering garland etc. Food feeding to 25 people will also be done as a part of the Intensity level 1 Ordinary pooja.
US $ 225.00
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Intensity Level 1 Ordinary Pooja

Karuppasamy Rituals & Food Feeding for 25 people

The Rituals to Karuppasamy will be done as per the Temple norms, which will include Archana, offering garland etc. Food feeding to 25 people will also be done as a part of the Intensity level 1 Ordinary pooja.

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