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Improve Overall Well Being: Interactive Fire Lab on December 15th

Improve Overall Well Being: Interactive Fire Lab on December 15th

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed to invoke Ganesha in his form as Maha Ganapati. Maha means great, and this form of Ganesha has important significance. The Fire Lab will be done during the beneficial obstacle removal energies of 4th Waning Moon phase associated with Ganesha. As Maha Ganapati, Ganesha is often depicted with a third eye and with a crescent Moon on his head.
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This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed to invoke Ganesha in his form as Maha Ganapati. Maha means great, and this form of Ganesha has important significance. The Fire Lab will be done during the beneficial obstacle removal energies of 4th Waning Moon phase associated with Ganesha. As Maha Ganapati, Ganesha is often depicted with a third eye and with a crescent Moon on his head. On this day, the Moon will be in Pushya, a star of enlightenment and blessings. Pushya is considered the most spiritually auspicious of all the stars. Pushya star (also called Poosam star) is said to be linked to Maha Ganapati. The fire prayer will invoke Maha Ganapati to give us both merit and prosperity. We ask Maha Ganapati to especially protect us, our families, our friends, our communities, our countries and our planet from all dangers. We can ask him to bring peace to our bodies, minds and souls as well as to the environment.

Join us LIVE for the Interactive Fire Lab on Saturday, December 14th at 4:30 PM PST / Sunday, December 15th at 12:30 AM UTC / 6:00 AM IST

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