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Individual Vaidya Parameshwara Homa (Health and Overall Wellbeing Fire Prayer) with Aditya Hrudayam (Hymn of glory of Sun God) Chanting

Individual Vaidya Parameshwara Homa (Health and Overall Wellbeing Fire Prayer) with Aditya Hrudayam (Hymn of glory of Sun God) Chanting

Book your individual Vaidya Parameshwara Homa (Health and Overall Wellbeing Fire Prayer) with Aditya Hrudayam (Hymn of glory of Sun God) Chanting during this Sun transit period. Performing this homa can remedy all diseases, remove sorrow, and grant relief from illnesses. Listening to this powerful hymn for the Sun God can strengthen your heart and meditating upon it can grant you victory over enemies, longevity and reduce anxiety.
US $ 160.00
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Book your individual Vaidya Parameshwara Homa (Health and Overall Wellbeing Fire Prayer) with Aditya Hrudayam (Hymn of glory of Sun God) Chanting during this Sun transit period. Performing this homa can remedy all diseases, remove sorrow, and grant relief from illnesses. Listening to this powerful hymn for the Sun God can strengthen your heart and meditating upon it can grant you victory over enemies, longevity and reduce anxiety.

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