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Kali Homa (Fire Lab)

Kali Homa (Fire Lab)

Kali Homa (Fire Lab) is targeted to invoke the blessings of the fierce Goddess Kali, who can dispel darkness, destroy evil forces and grant motherly protection around you.
US $ 151.00
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Kali Homa (Fire Lab)

Kali Homa (Fire Lab) is targeted to invoke the blessings of the fierce Goddess Kali, who can dispel darkness, destroy evil forces and grant motherly protection around you.


This homa (fire lab) is performed to honor the fierce Goddess Kali, the divine feminine power who is the power of action & mobility, is the life force of every human and destroys our ignorance and illusion. She is portrayed as dark and fierce, has her blood-smeared tongue out and wears a garland of skulls. Goddess Kali is the symbol of eternal time, presiding over all stages of life. She is the dominating energy that pervades in every moment of our lives. Goddess Kali rules our inner consciousness and hence seated in our heart chakra. She represents the element air.

This Homa invokes the protective energies of this form of Goddess, who can ride overall suffering, pains, negative emotions, and conquer all the evil forces. Kali is the symbol of eternal time, and her supreme energy can bring remarkable changes and help you break free of limitations, eventually leading to success.

Unique Traits of Goddess Kali Homa

Goddess Kali is one of the Dasa Maha Vidya (10 Wisdom Goddesses). Goddess Kali is the symbol of strength and victory. The unique homa honoring Goddess Kali can remove distress and negative forces blocking your progress and the ill effect of the evil eye, black magic on you and your family. Performing sacred homa for the powerful Goddess can help you gain victory in all your efforts and lead a peaceful and prosperous life.


Ideal Time to Perform the Homa

Our trained priests perform the homa with an inclination towards creating a divine connection with the deity, at best possible time. The homa time will be chosen after analyzing your birth chart. Our astrologers ensure the ceremony is scheduled at an auspicious time depending on your needs. This homa in some instances will be performed during specific Horas.


Benefits of Kali Homa (Fire Lab)

According to the sacred texts, invoking Goddess Kali in the homa can help you

  • Vanquish negative forces

  • Eradicate evil spirits

  • Remove suffering, pain and negative thoughts

  • Strengthen your willpower

  • Destroy obstacles

  • Remove ignorance and illusions

  • Enjoy success in all efforts

What will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the homa and Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder), blessed in the ritual. You can keep it in the meditation altar and duly apply it on the forehead as and when required to invoke the divine blessings of the deity.

Your prasad will be shipped from Chennai, Tamil Nadu within a week after the entire set of rituals is performed. Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for international delivery.

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