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Essential Rituals for Thai Amavasya 2019

Essential Rituals for Thai Amavasya 2019

Thai Amavasya on Feb. 4th is the first New Moon after the Sun starts moving towards the Northern hemisphere. The most powerful way of feeding the souls of your ancestors is by performing Tarpanam ritual. Reciting the sacred Vedic text – Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha on Thai Amavasya can liberate the souls, which have committed the worst sins. Participate in essential Thai Amavasya ancestral offerings to invoke the blessings of your ancestors to remove hardship in your life.
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  • Group Tarpanam at Kerala
  • Gokarna Bhagvata Saptaha Reading

Thai Amavasya on Feb. 4th is the first New Moon after the Sun starts moving towards the Northern hemisphere. The most powerful way of feeding the souls of your ancestors is by performing Tarpanam ritual. Reciting the sacred Vedic text – Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha on Thai Amavasya can liberate the souls, which have committed the worst sins. Participate in essential Thai Amavasya ancestral offerings to invoke the blessings of your ancestors to remove hardship in your life.

Please Note: We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.

Gokarna Bhagvata Saptaha Reading

Gokarna Bhagvata Saptaha Reading

Group Tarpanam at Kerala

Group Tarpanam at Kerala

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