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Enhanced Rituals for Thai Amavasya 2019

Enhanced Rituals for Thai Amavasya 2019

The most powerful way of feeding the souls of your ancestors is by performing Tarpanam offerings. Reciting the sacred Vedic text – Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha on Thai Amavasya can liberate the souls, which have committed the worst sins. Gods, Goddess and Ancestors all reside in the Cow, so you feed your ancestors by feeding a cow during this special day. Finally, invoking Karuppasamy on this day can help stop curses coming from departed souls or ancestors trapped in the astral plane.
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US $ 91.00
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  • Group Tarpanam at Kerala
  • Gokarna Bhagvata Saptaha Reading
  • Food Feeding For 1 Person
  • Feeding Cows with Agathi Leaves (Spinach)
  • Group Karuppasamy Homa

The most powerful way of feeding the souls of your ancestors is by performing Tarpanam offerings. Reciting the sacred Vedic text – Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha on Thai Amavasya can liberate the souls, which have committed the worst sins. Gods, Goddess and Ancestors all reside in the Cow, so you feed your ancestors by feeding a cow during this special day. Finally, invoking Karuppasamy on this day can help stop curses coming from departed souls or ancestors trapped in the astral plane.

Please Note: We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.

Feeding Cows with Agathi Leaves

Feeding Cows with Agathi Leaves (Spinach)

Food Feeding For 1 Person

Food Feeding For 1 Person

Gokarna Bhagvata Saptaha Reading

Gokarna Bhagvata Saptaha Reading

Group Karuppasamy Homa

Group Karuppasamy Homa

Group Tarpanam at Kerala

Group Tarpanam at Kerala

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