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Enhanced Rituals for 8th Waning Moon: Mercury

Enhanced Rituals for 8th Waning Moon: Mercury

Participate in the enhanced rituals on 8th Waning Moon. The powerful rituals will help you overcome all hurdles in life by making you conscious of time and hence helping you to stop wasting it.
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Participate in the enhanced rituals on 8th Waning Moon. The powerful rituals will help you overcome all hurdles in life by making you conscious of time and hence helping you to stop wasting it. The group homa, archana, and abhishekam will be performed to Kala Bhairava at his powerspot. A group fire lab will also be performed to Saturn on this day at the AstroVed Fire Lab and Remedy Center in Chennai.

With his fierce form, Kala Bhairava disassociates all those practices and habits (such as poverty, negative thoughts, and procrastination) that inhibit you from progressing quickly in time and bringing about growth and prosperity. These powerful rituals will help in acquiring time consciousness.

Abhishekam and Archana to Kala Bhairava at His Powerspot on 8th Waning Moon

Abhishekam and Archana to Kala Bhairava at His Powerspot on 8th Waning Moon

Group Homa to the Mercury at AstroVed Fire Lab on 8th Waning Moon

Group Homa to the Mercury at AstroVed Fire Lab on 8th Waning Moon

Homa to Kala Bhairava at His Powerspot on 8th Waning Moon

Homa to Kala Bhairava at His Powerspot on 8th Waning Moon

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