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Electional Astrology : General Events Muhurtha Astrology

Electional Astrology : General Events Muhurtha Astrology

Each moment of time is infused with certain energy dimensions that add to the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of an activity undertaken during that time. Electional astrology is the technique to find the opportune time when the favorable planetary energies will be supportive to ensure maximum success and satisfaction for the important and memorable occasions in one’s life. It is also known as event astrology.
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              Election Astrology: Find the Best Days for Success 

Each moment of time is infused with certain energy dimensions that add to the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of an activity undertaken during that time.
Electional astrology is the technique to find the opportune time when the favorable planetary energies will be supportive to ensure maximum success and satisfaction for the important and memorable occasions in one’s life. It is also known as event astrology.

Electional Astrology studies the important elements of an almanac, which includes-
•  Star or Nakshatra - Nakshatras are the 27 divisions recognized by the ancient Indian astronomers. Each of the     Nakshatras covers 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the zodiac. 
•  Tithi or the Lunar day -  Tithi is a phase among the 15 phases of Moon  
•  Yoga – Union of Sun and Moon gives Yoga. There are 27 Yogas.   
•  Weekday – The time between first sun rise to next sunrise is called a day. The days are symbolic of the ruling planetary     energies.  
•  Karana – Karana is one-half of a Moon Phase, for eg: the first 12 hours of New Moon, the final 12 Hours of New Moon,     etc.

Study of the above 5 factors would ascertain the favorable and unfavorable aspects of a day. 

Benefits of Scheduling Events on an Auspicious Time

An auspicious time is a confluence of good planetary energies. It is called a good muhurtha. A good Muhurtha is helpful for -

•  Harnessing the positive energies of the planets to increase the success rate of our endeavors 
•  Avoiding the doshas or hurdles to ensure easy accomplishment of the tasks
•  Giving satisfaction and peace of mind 

Vedic astrology gives utmost importance to the selection of auspicious time (good muhurtha) for the Pancha Dasha Karmas, i.e., 15 rituals prescribed in Hindu tradition for the well being of an individual. 

1)  Nuptials 
2)  Pumsavanam (the women will be fed with sweets by relatives with prayers seeking a healthy child)
3)  Seemantham (celebration of first pregnancy)
4)  Birth Ceremony
5)  Naming Ceremony
6)  Annaprashna (first rice eating ceremony) 
7)  Choulam (piercing of ears)   
8)  Sacred Thread Ceremony (Upanayanam)
9)  Prajapatyam 
10) Sowmyam
11) Agneyam
12) Viashvedam
13) Donation of Cow 
14) Snathakam (initiation into married life)
15) Marriage 

The rituals from 9 to 13 are not much in use now since they are mostly performed by teacher for the welfare of his disciples.

The 16th Karma, also called as Shodasha Karma, is the Antyesti. This has to be performed by the sons of the native after his death to provide peace to the soul in the heaven.

For rituals like engagement, marriage, and nuptials birth details for both the individuals is taken into consideration 

Compatibility of a person to the ruling planets of the day (or time) will ensure success in the below mentioned activities 

It is enough if only one’s compatibility with the planets for the specified purpose on a particular day and time is ensured for pursuing the following events.

1. Higher Education
2. Overseas Journey
3. Inauguration-New Office
4. Making Appointments
5. To File a Case
6. To Occupy a Premises
7. To Fix Doors
8. Opening Bank Account
9. Seeking Membership
10. Prayers
11. Re-organization
12. To Launch a Product
13. Advertisement Campaigns
14. Purchase a Machinery
15. Install the Machinery
16. Calling Tenders
17. Finalizing Tenders
18. General Body Meeting
19. Investments
20. Declare policy
21. Arranging Audit
22. Hiring Lawyer
23. Convening Business Meeting
24. Negotiations
25. Agreements
26. Signing Contracts
27. Taking Online Examination

Sometimes we may not able to postpone certain events due to practical reasons. It won’t be wise to defer the matter which will affect the profitability/benefits of a matter. Under those circumstances, we will have to go for semi auspicious time.

In a Vedic astrology there are 21 types of defects that hampers auspiciousness. Some of them are:-

1. Lack of Panchaka suddhi (addition and division part of weekday, tithi, star and planetary arithmetic)
2. Entry of Sun from one sign to another sign
3. Moon in the 8th house from one’s Moon sign
4. Weekday Dosha
5. Dosha due to heavy rain fall accompanied with thunder
6. Cruel star Dosha
7. Planets hemmed in between malefic planets 
Below is a sample report for Fixing an auspicious time for House Warming:


Sample report



Sunday – Remedies required

Pooja to Sun lord and donation of wheat and red color cloth is recommended (To be performed before the Muhurtha)

Lunar day

11th Moon day (Ekadesi) - Permitted


Punarvasu - Permitted


Siddha Yogam- Permitted


06-30 to 07-30 AM

LEO – Fixed Lagna fixed: But the 12th house is not free from malefic effect. Mars is occupying the 12th house. But it is in debilitated position. Even if we change the Lagna, the Sun which is more powerful in Leo will be influencing the 12th house. Therefore it is good to do remedy to Mars lord and to carry out the things. Fire ritual to Mars is recommended.


16-30 to 18-00 not selected


12-00 to 13-30 not selected


The star compatibility with the individual’s chart is not done here. If there is incompatibility, it will also require remedy.

Delivery Time - 7 to 10 working days.

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