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DKRP: Daily Karma Removal Program: 3 Months

DKRP: Daily Karma Removal Program: 3 Months

DKRP is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits you. This Soul-Cleansing 3 months Remedy Package is designed for those of you who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of your life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change your destiny.
US $ 1679.00
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Life is the manifestation of your old karmas of past lives. DKRP is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits you. This Soul-Cleansing 3 months Remedy Package is designed for those of you who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of your life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change your destiny.

  Your success and failure is not the reflection of your deeds in the present life; but of your past lives.

Karma is simply all of the past mental imprints that you hold inside of your mind that limit your reality. Karma is repetition. Karma is your thoughts; your thought loops.

Unless you become conscious, you cannot break away from doing the same thing day after day, year after year, life after life.

The Ancient Siddhas have a solution for you to stop repeating your karma.
They recommend connecting to the deities or universal energetic archetypes who are responsible for various aspects of our life. There are methodologies to access those deities and break up your old patterns- to get rid of your old baggage.

Dr. Pillai has designed the "Daily Karma Removal Program", for you to resolve your everyday karma. It will act like a machine to automatically remove bad karma/bad energy on a daily basis.

The Technologies Are Applied at All the Best Astrological Times 

When Karma Removing Efficiency is at Peak!

"If one is prepared, and alert for their everyday life, the old karma will not trouble them. But unfortunately, our attention span is limited, and we can't remain conscious all the time. As a solution to this, we can have a personal spiritual custodian, similar to a personal trainer." ~ Dr. Pillai

  • 390+ Karma Removal Remedies
  • (130+ Remedies Per Month)
  • Live Karmic Astrology Reading
  • Angel Reading
  • Personal Horoscope Yantra/Copper Plate
  • 5 Energized Personal Horoscope Copper Sheets
  • Daily Home Practice Guide

  • 9 Planet/Navagraha Incense -(9 Boxes - 1 box of each Planet)
  • Birthstar/Nakshatra Incense - (6 Boxes of Personal Nakshatra)
  • Amulet Holder- (for Personal Energized Copper Sheets)
  • DKRP is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits you. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed for those of you who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of your life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change your destiny.

DKRP - 5 nos of 1.5 inches Personalized Copper sheet

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny


DKRP - Daily Elemental Invocation for Health and Light Body

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny


DKRP : 11th Moon/Ekadasi Fire Lab for Vishnu: Archetype of Prosperity

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny


DKRP : 13th Moon (Waning & Waxing) Pradosham Archetypal Activation

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : 13th Waxing Moon DNA clean up/ Udyamo Pooja

DKRP : 13th Waxing Moon DNA clean up/ Udyamo Pooja

DKRP : 8th Moon (Waning) Activation of Bhairava: Archetype of Time

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny


DKRP : 8th Moon (Waning) Feeding of Dogs

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : 8th Wanning Moon Karuppasamy: Archetype of Justice

DKRP : 8th Wanning Moon Karuppasamy: Archetype of Justice


DKRP : Daily Activation of the 9 Planetary Archetypes

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny.


DKRP : Daily Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : Daily Pradosham Archetypal Activation

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : Daily Soul Genetics Technology

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : Full Moon Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

DKRP : Full Moon Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

DKRP : Full Moon Fire Lab for Karuppasamy: Archetype of Justice

DKRP : Full Moon Fire Lab for Karuppasamy: Archetype of Justice

DKRP : Full Moon Fire Lab for Lakshmi Archetype of Wealth

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : Full Moon Fire Lab for Parvati Archetype of Attraction & Manifestation

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny


DKRP : Full Moon Fire Lab for Saraswati Archetype of Learning & Wisdom

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : Full Moon Fire Lab for the 9 Planetary Archetypes

DKRP : Full Moon Fire Lab for the 9 Planetary Archetypes

DKRP : Full Moon Shreem Brzee Fire Lab for Abundance Consciousness

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny


DKRP : Monthly Birth Star Activation

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny


DKRP : Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Ants

Karma removal program daily (DKRP), is the personal approach and a comprehensive intensive To eliminate any kind of karma have effects on the human limits. This soul cleansing measures Package is designed for people who are committed to refining, is changing all areas of their lives. It is this new program Remove the Karma, to change the fate of their own, a combination of means most powerful and effective


DKRP : Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Poor

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : New Moon Chrono-technological Activation

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : New Moon Fire Lab for Karuppasamy: Archetype of Justice

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP : New Moon Soul Genetics Technology

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny


DKRP : Weekly Friday Feeding of Cows

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny


DKRP 4 Inch Personalized Copper Plate for worship by self

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP: Betel Leaf Reading

DKRP: Betel Leaf Reading

DKRP: Live Astrologer Consultation for 30 Minutes 1

The Daily Karma Removal Program (DKRP) is a comprehensive, intensive, and personal approach, to eliminate every kind of karma that affects and limits human beings. This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to for those who are committed to purifying and transforming all areas of their life. This new program is a combination of the most powerful and effective means to remove karma, and change one's destiny

DKRP: Navagraha Incense

DKRP - Navagraha Incense


6 Months of New Moon Ancestral Ritual performed in Kerala

Performing Tarpanam for your ancestors shows your respect towards them and supports the unity of your family and family lineage. Ancestors have more wisdom and spiritual power than they did during life and have the ability to positively affect your life. Participate in the 6 Months of New Moon ancestral ritual performed in Kerala.

US $ 119.00
BirthStar Pooja

Birth Star Pooja

The star constellation that the Moon is transiting or staying in, at the time of birth of a person, is known as his or her birth star. This is also known as the individual’s Nakshatra or Janma Nakshatra. This phenomenon will get repeated in every star cycle and will generally happen once a month and 12 times a year. When the Moon travels in the birth star of a person during his or her month of birth, that day will be known as the person’s star birthday.

US $ 11.00
Mrithyunjaya Fire Lab (Homa)

Mrithyunjaya Fire Lab (Homa For Protection Against Dangers And Diseases)

The Mrithyunjaya Homa (Fire Lab) is performed in honor of Shiva to safeguard against dangers which stand in the way of a long and healthy life. Achieving victory over death is a universal dream, and this ritual is said to ensure your longevity while conferring your protection against an untimely demise.

US $ 154.00

Prasna (Horary Astrology)

Instant Insight is a Prasna (Question) or Horary Astrology based on an ancient and unique branch of Vedic Astrology. 'Hora' loosely means 'the hour'. It is also known as 'Prasna Shastra', meaning "Question Ancient Wisdom" as it involves a person asking a specific question and examining the current location of the all planets in the sky. Using the current planetary position, an answer is revealed. Your birth chart is not used.

US $ 11.00
Saturn Fire Lab (Homa)

Saturn Fire Lab (Saturn Planetary Blessings Homa)

The Saturn Homa (Fire Lab) is dedicated to the planet Saturn and is performed to appease and harness his blessings to overcome trials and tribulations in life. Saturn’s powerful energy can affect your life and at times may seem to be overbearing, but the purpose of its influence is to guide you towards the right path.

US $ 154.00
Venus Pooja

Venus Pooja

This Venus Pooja invokes the blessings of Venus, who is called the planet of love. Appeasing Venus with a special Pooja can help you express your love and bestow you with long life, wealth, happiness, children, property, and good education

US $ 14.00

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