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Jupiter Moves into Gemini Personalized Transit Report

Jupiter Moves into Gemini Personalized Transit Report

The most important transit in 2013 is the transit of Jupiter into the sign of Gemini. Jupiter is a large planet and moves very slowly, but when it makes a move, its impact is unique. Get your personalized Jupiter Transit report and identify how Jupiter’s move into Gemini will affect you.
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The most important transit in 2013 is the transit of Jupiter into the sign of Gemini. Jupiter is a large planet and moves very slowly, but when it makes a move, its impact is unique. Get your personalized Jupiter Transit report and identify how Jupiter’s move into Gemini will affect you.
Jupiter Pooja

Jupiter Pooja

Jupiter is considered to be the teacher of the mankind who governs religion and spiritualism. It has been proven astrologically that Jupiter is the planet of “Success”. Jupiter is the other term for excellence; he is the teacher, the priest, and the crusader of life. Lord Jupiter represents the higher mind, the vision of truth, optimism, indulgence, wisdom, and desire.

US $ 14.00

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