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Moola Nakshatra Homa

Moola Nakshatra Homa

Moola Nakshatra Homa (Fire Lab) honors the star Moola (root or the base) as the chief archetype of this powerful Fire Lab. Perform this homa can help experience positive vibes coursing through your veins while nullifying negative forces.
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Fire Lab for Moola-Nakshatra-born Natives

Introduction to Moola Nakshatra Homa

Moola Nakshatra Homa

Moola Nakshatra Homa (Fire Lab) honors the star Moola (root or the base) as the chief archetype of this powerful Fire Lab. This star signifies the hidden facets of one’s life and is associated with the end of life, while also being a precursor to new beginnings. Performing the Fire Lab is said to appease the star and soothe its effects, blessing the native with positivity and overruling the adversity. The ruler of the Moola Nakshatra, Ketu, and the deity Alakshmi are propitiated for wellbeing. Perform the Moola Nakshatra Fire Lab and experience positive vibes coursing through your veins while nullifying negative forces.

Unique Traits of Moola Nakshatra Homa

Performing the Moola Nakshatra Fire Lab is a unique ritual to subdue the effects of the star and quell its malefic effects. A girl child born under this Nakshatra (birth star) is said to bring strong energy into the household, and a proper remedy is required to handle this situation. Parents of a Moola girl child are empowered and need to nurture their progeny with special consideration. The ceremony for this purpose needs to be performed only when the girl child is under the age of 18 or is a spinster.

Description of Moola Nakshatra Homa

Moola Nakshatra Fire Lab is performed with great dedication and discipline by trained priests well-versed in the nuances of the ritual. Mantras and chants to appease the star are recited with deep reverence to appease the deity. It can be performed during any auspicious horas (Budha, Guru or Shukra Horas) on the Moola star day.

Benefits of Moola Nakshatra Homa
  • Favorable for parents of Moola daughters

  • Nullify negative influences of the star over the native

  • Help achieve success and prosperity

  • Alleviate ill effects from matrimony

  • Establish marital harmony

  • Help accomplish endeavors

  • Empower the native with luck

  • Beneficial for girl children born in birth star Moola

What will I receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the homa, blessed in the ritual. You can keep it in the meditation altar and duly apply it on the forehead as and when required to invoke the divine blessings of the deity.

Prasad will be shipped from Chennai, Tamil Nadu within a week after the entire set of rituals is performed. Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for international delivery.

Mantra for the Moola Nakshatra Fire Lab

Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah

Moola Nakshatra Homa
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