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Tender Coconut Water Abhishekam

Tender Coconut Water Abhishekam

What is Abishekam (Hydration Pooja)? An Abishekam is a sacred ritual of hydrating the deity with sacred elements. The ritual releases divine energies and elevates your spiritual consciousness. The vibration of the sacred chants that accompany the ritual infuses the elements to create an aura of peace as you receive the divine blessings of the deity.
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Elaneer Abishekam - Tender Coconut Water Abishekam

What is Abishekam (Hydration Pooja)?

An Abishekam is a sacred ritual of hydrating the deity with sacred elements. The ritual releases divine energies and elevates your spiritual consciousness. The vibration of the sacred chants that accompany the ritual infuses the elements to create an aura of peace as you receive the divine blessings of the deity.

Coconut – A Spiritual Symbol of Shiva

The coconut is a symbol of Shiva himself. Shiva has three eyes, and so does the coconut. These eyes stand for the three Nadis (energy pathways) in the human body. The three primary Nadis are situated on the left side, right side, and center of the spine. Nadis are pathways for the Prana (vital life energy) to move and circulate in the body. The three eyes of the coconut are a symbolic representation of these three Nadis. When they are in harmony, one experiences unbounded joy, that is, the Shiva consciousness.

Why Tender Coconut Water Abishekam has Great Significance

Coconut water symbolizes cleansing. Coconut water, also called Elaneer in Tamil, is the purest form of offering to a deity. Coconut is closely associated with Kerala, playing a great role in its culture. The name Kerala is derived from the coconut tree. ‘Kera’ means coconut tree, and ‘Alam’ means land of coconut trees. Kerala is renowned for tender coconut juice.

The coconut is a part of almost every religious ritual because it can eradicate egotism. Breaking a coconut is symbolic of breaking one’s ego and becoming humble before God. Thus performing hydration Pooja with coconut water can help gain the gracious blessings of the deity.

Benefits of Tender Coconut Water Abishekam

Tender Coconut Water Abishekam assumes great significance for Shiva. As per traditional belief and spiritual practices at Powerspots, you can enjoy the following blessings by performing Elaneer Abishekam (Tender Coconut Water Abishekam).

  • Get rid of negativity and stress
  • Enjoy prosperity
  • Good progeny
  • Peace and spiritual upliftment
  • Help lead a happy life of contentment


*Any ritual offered with reverence will positively change your life.

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