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Sports Astrology Report

Sports Astrology Report

Competition is the soul and spirit of any sports or games. All of us are blessed with different talents and competing abilities which strongly determines the choice of the sports we indulge in. However, by studying the planetary positions in your Birth Chart, Vedic Astrology can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses to develop the authentic competency required to win over all competitive game situations
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Competition is the soul and spirit of any sports or games. All of us are blessed with different talents and competing abilities which strongly determines the choice of the sports we indulge in. However, by studying the planetary positions in your Birth Chart, Vedic Astrology can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses to develop the authentic competency required to win over all competitive game situations.

Our Vedic Astrologers will analyze the positions of Mars and Mercury (planets which determine your proficiency level for sports) with regard to the placement of Houses like:

  • 3rd House: Initiates the interest and understand of the sporting activity and enhances the courage and competency in you
  • 5thHouse: Determines your mental ability to commit and "addict" towards a particular sport

The Sports Competency Report gives you an amazing insight into the kinds of pleasurable and winning prospects that would be coming your way. This report will help you gain self confidence which makes people take notice of you through your amazing achievements.

So go ahead and build a Monument of Success with our Sport Competency Report!

Note: Please allow minimum 7 working days for delivery of the report.

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