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Child Guidance Report

Child Guidance Report

Every child is unique and brings their own blessings to the world, so it is important to know what your child needs and where his or her talent lies. Vedic Astrology identifies your child's strengths and weaknesses, in order to actualize their fullest potentials by using planetary positions and in depth analysis.
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Every child is unique and brings their own blessings to the world, so it is important to know what your child needs and where his or her talent lies. Vedic Astrology identifies your child's strengths and weaknesses, in order to actualize their fullest potentials by using planetary positions and in depth analysis.

Our expert Vedic Astrologers carefully analyze the Ascendant Lord of your child's Moon Sign to understand the character of your child and then provides you with insights into their nature to help nurture the natural gifts your child possesses. This report also suggests powerful Vedic remedies to create self-esteem, positive identity and successful endeavors throughout your child's life.

So get ready to discover the way of success for your child!

Note: Please allow minimum 10 working days for delivery of the report.

Prasna (Horary Astrology)

Instant Insight is a Prasna (Question) or Horary Astrology based on an ancient and unique branch of Vedic Astrology. 'Hora' loosely means 'the hour'. It is also known as 'Prasna Shastra', meaning "Question Ancient Wisdom" as it involves a person asking a specific question and examining the current location of the all planets in the sky. Using the current planetary position, an answer is revealed. Your birth chart is not used.

US $ 11.00

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