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Kethu is one of the two snake or chaya planets (Chaya Graha) among the Navagraha. According to Vedic astrology, Kethu signifies electronics, maternal ancestors, spiritual interests, occult sciences, healing practices, and superstitions. Though he does not have any physical existence, Kethu can have a great impact on one’s life events.
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Importance of Kethu

Kethu is one of the two snake or chaya planets (Chaya Graha) among the Navagraha. According to Vedic astrology, Kethu signifies electronics, maternal ancestors, spiritual interests, occult sciences, healing practices, and superstitions. Though he does not have any physical existence, Kethu can have a great impact on one’s life events.

Impacts Of Kethu

According to mythology, Kethu is the torso portion of Asura Swarbhanu, who disguised himself as a Deva to consume Amrit, and whom Vishnu as Mohini severed with his Sudharshana Chakra. The head portion of Swarnabhanu is Rahu. Kethu is called Gnana Karaka, the giver of wisdom and spiritual inclination. He can make one detached from worldly pursuits and imparts knowledge through practical experiences in life. Kethu can reduce self-confidence and cause destruction, when badly placed in the horoscope. He can also bring discontent, detachment, and misunderstanding, in relationships.

Who Should Perform Kethu Preethi Homam?

Kethu Preethi Homam is a powerful ritual to appease Kethu and receive his positive blessings. It is advised for those who undergo the following impact of Kethu to perform Kethu Preethi Homam:

  • Under Kethu Dasa
  • Under Kethu Bhukti
  • Kethu is not well-placed in your horoscope
  • Have Kala Sarpa Dosha or Naga Dosha in the horoscope

Benefits Of Performing Kethu Preethi Homam

According to sacred texts and traditional beliefs, performing Kethu Preethi Homam can bestow the following benefits:

  • Bestows wealth, good health, and overall prosperity
  • Turns around your fiscal fortune
  • Overcomes problems with ease
  • Aids to be the master of trades
  • Helps achieve great heights
  • Increases affinity to spirituality
  • Confers wisdom and advancement
  • Protects against diseases and snakebites

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