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Chandra or Moon governs our mind, thoughts, emotions, and intuition. It also rules our bonding towards things, people and how we impact others. Chandra signifies pregnancy, childbirth and fertility. The Moon represents mother and motherly figure, intellect, memory power, impulsiveness, creativity, and pleasure.
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Importance of Chandra (Moon)

Chandra or Moon governs our mind, thoughts, emotions, and intuition. It also rules our bonding towards things, people and how we impact others. Chandra signifies pregnancy, childbirth and fertility. The Moon represents mother and motherly figure, intellect, memory power, impulsiveness, creativity, and pleasure. Impacts Of Chandra

According to Hindu mythology, Chandra came from the Ksheera Sagara during Samudra Manthan. He is regarded as the father of Budha and is married to 27 daughters of Daksha, who are the 27 Nakshatras of Vedic Astrology. If Chandra is strongly placed in the horoscope, the person will be encouraging, caring, sensitive, emotionally mature, responsible and beneficial to others. On the other hand, if Chandra is weakly placed or associated with a malefic Graha, it can cause mental trauma, emotional instability, confusion, poor reasoning and personality problems.

Who Should Perform Chandra Preethi Homam?

Chandra Preethi Homam is a powerful ritual to appease Chandra and receive his positive blessings. It is advised for those who undergo the following impact of Chandra to perform Chandra Preethi Homam:

  • Minimize the adverse effects of afflicted Moon in the horoscope
  • Enhance the benefits of Chandra in the horoscope
  • Running Chandra Dasa/Bhukti
  • Improve peace and happiness in personal life
  • Set right relationship with your mother
  • Acquire mental stability and help be positive, creative, and broadminded
  • Develop good intuition and increase awareness
  • Help overcome health problems and enjoy sound health

Benefits Of Performing Chandra Preethi Homam

According to sacred texts and traditional beliefs, performing Chandra Preethi Homam can bestow the following benefits:

  • Bestows material abundance, mental peace
  • Gives satisfaction, domestic harmony
  • Helps enjoy loving relationship with mother and spouse
  • Grants good luck and success in career prospects
  • Gives relief from diseases and chronic ailments
  • Removes skin, blood related illness or psychological issues
  • Helps get government job
  • Gives regular flow of income and prosperity

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