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Individual Vaidhya Parameshwara Homa (Fire Lab to Clear Karma Blocking to Find Cure for Diseases)

Individual Vaidhya Parameshwara Homa (Fire Lab to Clear Karma Blocking to Find Cure for Diseases)

Book your individual Vaidhya Parameshwara Homa, which invokes Shiva as Vaidhya Parameshwara, the Supreme Doctor, who is considered as the master healer in the scriptures. According to sacred texts, the positive energy generated during the Fire Lab can help mitigate health problems, remove negative karma that may be creating health issues and blockages to find a cure, neutralize negative vibrations causing illness and help get rid of the fear of diseases.
US $ 148.00
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Book your individual Vaidhya Parameshwara Homa, which invokes Shiva as Vaidhya Parameshwara, the Supreme Doctor, who is considered as the master healer in the scriptures. According to sacred texts, the positive energy generated during the Fire Lab can help mitigate health problems, remove negative karma that may be creating health issues and blockages to find a cure, neutralize negative vibrations causing illness and help get rid of the fear of diseases. 


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