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Individual Bhagya Suktam Homa (Fire Lab to Bring You Good Luck)

Individual Bhagya Suktam Homa (Fire Lab to Bring You Good Luck)

Book your individual Bhagya Suktam Homa, which invokes archetype Bhaga, who can bestow wealth, luck and fortune. The Sanskrit term Bhagya means fortune/prosperity/wealth. Bhagya Suktam is the hymn found in the Yajur Veda and is a prayer submitted to Bhaga, who is an aspect of the Sun God. Participating in the homa can bestow you with blessings of the archetype Bhaga along with happiness, good progeny, nourishment, success in all your activities, fortune, prosperity and luck.
US $ 148.00
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Book your individual Bhagya Suktam Homa, which invokes archetype Bhaga, who can bestow wealth, luck and fortune. The Sanskrit term Bhagya means fortune/prosperity/wealth. Bhagya Suktam is the hymn found in the Yajur Veda and is a prayer submitted to Bhaga, who is an aspect of the Sun God. Participating in the homa can bestow you with blessings of the archetype Bhaga along with happiness, good progeny, nourishment, success in all your activities, fortune, prosperity and luck.

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